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(Notes From "the Colonel")  

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The Traveling Monk / The Spider Monkey / The Fly / Uncle Joe: Today I Am Going To Rewire Your Mind / Gallahand 72 - Ft Hood Texas / Forced Road March / The Missing M16 / Dowdy's Success Formula 66 / E vs Ed / Chris M. / Lady Park / Lady on The Phone / The Crab / The Human Lobster / The German Pool Player / How 2 Rewire Your Mind / The 1988 Olimpics / The German Sgt / Kicked Out Of Class / My Soul Mate / Harmony / Driving The Red Car / 21 Days To A New Life / The Love Of Reading / Heaven's Grocery Store / The Best Communicator / Tarzan Of The Apes / Greatest Power Is LoveThe King & His Killer Dogs / (Highlighted areas ore ready for viewing, Others Coming Soon.)


 The German Pool Player <> The Traveling Monk <> How 2 Rewire Your Mind <> The 1988 Olympics <> The German SGT <> Kicked Out Of Class <> My Soul Mate <> Harmony <> Driving The Red Car <> 21 Days To A New Life <> The Love Of Reading <> Heaven's Grocery Store <> Tarzan Of The Apes <> The Greatest Power Is Love


The Traveling Monk / The Spider Monkey / The Fly / Uncle Joe: Today I Am Going To Rewire Your Mind / Gallahand 72 - Ft Hood Texas / Forced Road March / The Missing M16 / Dowdy's Success Formula 66 / E vs Ed / Chris M. / Lady Park / Lady on The Phone / The Crab / The Human Lobster / The German Pool Player / How 2 Rewire Your Mind / The 1988 Olimpics / The German Sgt / Kicked Out Of Class / My Soul Mate / Harmony / Driving The Red Car / 21 Days To A New Life / The Love Of Reading / Heaven's Grocery Store / Tarzan Of The Apes / Greatest Power Is Love / The Best Communicator / (More Coming Soon.)




This is a formula that my son and I developed in 2001.  It was doing a time when we were going through some tuff financial difficulties. We were on our last straw and the only thing that stood between me and bankruptcy was a Flat-Tire!  Our Success formula reads as follows:  


For every 60 minutes that I work for any employer for any reason I would also work at least 6 minutes for myself and my family, so help me GOD! This was my promise to me!


What it really means is that for every 60 minutes I work for anyone in a wage earning capacity, (for which I receive a W-2 ), I would also work at least six minutes for myself and my family in an effort to build a better future.  This equated to about 4 hours  per week.  During that time I exercised, read books, attended seminars, started and operated a home base business and purchased several houses, (one of which provide the money that payed for my son's University Degree). I attribute most if not all of my success since that time to that formula. 


This formula has since become a strong habit for both me and Randy and I believe it to be the most important habit I have ever develop!  The reason why I call it Dowdynson's Success Formula 66 is because my son, (11 years old at that time) was a major factor in the process and he had to agreed to certain things that allowed me to do what I had to do!   He stuck to his part of the agreement. 


M y son's part of the agreement was to be the best kid and best student that he could be so that I could concentrate on my part of the formula. 


It was somewhat like the Family Success Plan that Dr. Steven Covey talks about.  Dr. Covey also mentions something about this process in his ... "First Things First" and his "Things That Matters Most" writings!   


"The  threads of habits are to thin to be noticed until they are to strong to be broken" - Unknown


OH, did I tell you about our results.  Randy graduated from Chapman University in 2009.  And within 30 days of that he was Debt FREE!  It is without a doubt the result of our Success Formula 66.


One of the results is that we now offer Financial Management to Our Members.  Learn what the "Wealthy Buy on Payday", Click Here:




Many More To Come! 


Do you have a story that you would like to share?  Please be advised that if you share it you are giving us permission to print it without further permission.  However you will receive the proper credit for writing it. 



    Why is one man happy and another man sad?  Why is one poor and miserable and another man joyous and prosperous?  Why is one man full of faith and confidence and another man fearful and anxious?  Why does one man lives out a meager existence in a slum while another man have a beautiful, luxurious home?  Why is one man an object failure and another man a great success?  Why is one speaker mediocre and unpopular while another speaker outstanding and immensely popular?  Why does one man toils and moils all his life without doing or accomplishing anything worth while and the another man a genius in his work or profession?  Are there answers to theses questions somewhere in in the  workings of your conscious and sub-conscious minds?  Absolutely:  




    Why is one man happy and another man sad?  Why is one poor and miserable and another man joyous and prosperous?  Why is one man full of faith and confidence and another man fearful and anxious?  Why does one man lives out a meager existence in a slum while another man have a beautiful, luxurious home?  Why is one man an object failure and another man a great success?  Why is one speaker mediocre and unpopular while another speaker outstanding and immensely popular?  Why does one man toils and moils all his life without doing or accomplishing anything worth while and the another man a genius in his work or profession?  Why are some man healed of so-called incurable disease while another man isn't?  Why is it that one woman happily married and her sister very unhappy and frustrated?  Are there answers to theses questions somewhere in in the  workings of your conscious and sub-conscious minds?  Absolutely:  




In June of 1996, while having some cement work done on my front yard in Anaheim California, I carved into the pavement, RJD Jun 1996.  I then called my son outside the house, showed him what I had carved into the pavement, and said: "Son this house will  be your collage graduation present"!   He was only 8 years old! 


However, his mother and I continued  to experience difficulties, and in September of 1997 we decided that a divorce was our only solution. When I informed our  son of our decision to get a divorced, it nearly "Broke His Heart"!  I informed him that we would be selling  the house and moving into an apartment.  I informed him that we would be staying in the local area so that he could continue  to attend the same school that he attended.  You know: "With his Friends"!  He went off the cuff!    He promptly reminded me of a promise that I had made him just one year  before, ... when things were, ... "O.K."  with his mother and me!


Not knowing anything else to say, he took me by the hands and marched me outside to where  I had carved his initials, (RJD Jun 1996), into the pavement and pointed and said: "Daddy, what is your word worth"?   He knew that my "word", was extremely important to me and he had hoped that this would force his mother and me to  try and work things out. He did not know that it was already ... to LATE for "US" as a family unit.  But he  got to me!  After a few minutes of silence and some quarter size TEARS, ... I made him another promised.    I promised him that I would find a way to "SAVE" that house!   I told him that as for his mother and me,  well ... it's to late.  I negotiated with his mother and was able to buy her out of the house!  This left me  in debt up to my ears.


After going through what I thought was an, “equitable divorce”, I was left “FLAT-BROKE”,  and in excess of $90,000 in Credit Card  DEBT.  The only thing that stood between me and, “BANKRUPTCY”  was a “FLAT-TIRE!”  I can remember walking pass an old "homeless lady" and saying to my self, "Lady  don't feel rained on ... you may be penny less but you are still better off than I am, I am not only penny less but I  am in the whole by $90,000!


I don't know if you ever had any credit card debt but I can tell you this:   Having $90,000 in credit card debt and paying only the minimum each month would mean that my son's grandkids would probably not be able to pay that debt off in their life times. 


Things were tough for several years following the divorce  and because I had so much credit card debt I was going further and further into debt as timed passed.  I can remember  using credit cards to buy food for the table.   I continued to hope that something would happen, perhaps some major  financial breakthrough.  Nothing ever did.  Our financial situation continued to deteriate.  It was doing this time that I called my son in, sat him down, looked him squarely in the eyes and informed him that the only way that I knew how to save that house was for us to rent the house out and ... start all over.


I asked him if he would stand by me and support any decisions that I MADE.  I promised him that I would find another way and that I would  save the house and ...  that I, (we), would never be in such a sad financial situation again!  I informed  him that he, (age 12), would have to go live with his mother, who was not far away, ... while I position myself to .... "make  him rich"!   I told him that it would be a challenge but I knew that it was very possible and I felt that I could do it.  I informed him that I needed him to concentrate on the following:


#1.  Being the best kid that he could be

#2.  Being the best student that he could be

#3.  Have faith in me and what I through I needed to do to get to where we wanted to be


I informed him that I would be very close by.  He promised that he would up hold his part of the agreement and I promised him that I would up hold mine and that I would ... make him  RICH!


As a result of the “promises" that my son and I made to each other, and the insuring actions that I took, our lives have been changed in ways that neither of us could have ever imagined!   Because I had his support  I was able to set sails in search of NEW and BETTER ways of CREATING and MAINTAINING WEALTH!


My first move was to SELL an old 95 Buick Regal that I was making a $350 a month payment on, (at a loss I might add), and purchase an on 78 Caddy for basic transportation, (I have sense come to realize that you can't get rich unless you put yourself in the right  position to be rich).   My next move was to put our house up for rent, ... there was no other way for me to live in it and save it!  I then moved into a two bedroom apartment with two room mates.  At about that same time I landed  a "J-O-B", with the California Youth Authority, as a ... COP!   I had a J-O-B before but because I wanted to be close to him while he was growing up I was unable to find the best paying J-O-Bs.  Being close to him has always been very important to me.   



I already knew that that "J-O-B", was only a means to an IMMEDIATE end and DEFINITELY not an END in and of ITSELF!   I have always had a "J-O-B", and I have always been ... BROKE!  But I also knew that a "JOB" was necessary while I find the right vehicle in which to build our future around.  Soooo  ... I BEGAN MY SEARCH!


In the early stages of my search I came across a book written by Dan Kennedy, he mentioned something about reality that struck home like a ton of BRICKS!



“Take  any hundred people at the start of their career and follow them for forty years until they reach retirement age and here is what you will find, (this is also consistent with the U. S. Sociality Security Administration and has been for over the last  65 years):  Only one will be wealthy .... four will be financially secure ..... five will still be working, not because they want to but because they had to, ..... thirty six will be dead .... and fifty-four will be dead broke - dependent on their meager Social Security checks, relatives, friends, even charities for a minimum standard of living.  That is:   Five percent (5%) successful, ninety-five percent (95%) unsuccessful”.  Dan went on to say that:  "If  you don’t act NOW, today, your future will be terrible!" 


"Where Attention Goes, Energy Flows, Results Shows" - Unknown


After reading this I knew that kennedy was  talking about me.  I knew that I had to make a change, IMMEDIATELY, if I wanted a better future for myself and my family.   I knew that if I kept on doing the same things that I had been doing, tomorrow would be just like today!  It was perfectly clear to me that I needed to make some changes, it was perfectly clear to me that I had to act ... "NOW"!   I began to intensify my search, it became a passion for me, in fact it almost became an obsession with me.  It was not long before I came across an advertisement in a local newspaper which read, “CREATING WEALTH IN THE NEW MILLENNIUM”!  This advertisement went on to say:  We will teach you all you need to know about CREATING WEALTH and will show you how to get started, IMMEDIATELY.   Well why not, I thought?  The seminar was FREE but I knew that they were going to try and sell me something ... so what!   What did I have to loose?  I was already $90,000 in DEBT, and on the verge of BANK-RUPTCY! 


After attending that first seminar I began to feel that it was not to late for me but only if I was just willing to cast all my fears aside and take ACTION.  It was at that moment that I remembered something that an old Army Colonel had once told me years before.  I was a young Captain at the time, he said:  "Hey Dowdy, it's  O. K. to have butterflies in your stomach but you must learn to get them to fly in formation"!   Clearly, this was my time to make a decision and move forward!   


Well they did sell me something!   They sold me on the possibility that I could win at the financial game.  Over the next several months I attended every seminar that I could find that said anything about creating wealth in it’s introduction.  I also began reading everything that  I could find on creating wealth.  I read Think And Grow Rich, by Napoleon Hill, I read The Master Key To Riches by Napoleon  Hill, I read Ordinary People, Extraordinary Entrepreneurs and Success Coaches, by Dan Kennedy, I read The New Entrepreneurs,  by Rene Reid Yarnell, I read Creating Wealth, Multiple Streams Of Income, and Multiple Streams Of Income, Second Edition, all three books by Robert G. Allen. I read every thing that I could find that had been written by Robert Keyosake, I read Dam near every thing that was available on CREATING WEALTH, I also attended over $50,000 worth of seminars on CREATING WEALTH!


Fifty Thousand Dollars, ... it’s not important when you are already $60,000 in debt and about to declare BANKRUPTCY,  .... what does it matter if you add another $50,000 to it?  Man I love credit cards, they save my life!


Anyway, after months and months of research and attending seminars, and taking tons and tons of notes and interviewing people who were successful, I started to notice a common denominator among them.  I was looking for their most common behavior ...,  the most repeatedly used vehicle to obtain their wealth ... as well as their personal input on every aspect of the economic  world that I could obtain from them.


I also asked and obained answers to the following question:  “If  you were so unfortunate and lost all your wealth, no matter what the reason, what would you do FIRST in an ATTEMPT to REGAIN  it?”


First let me just tell you this:  Many people are reluctant to answer such a question, however, after being reminded of what I had paid to attend that particular seminar and seeing my reddish (blood shot eyes), they all felt that it would probably be a good idea to answer my question!  


Second, there was something else that I began to notice.  They all seemed so positive!  I didn't know if it was because they were already successful or if it they were successful because of their attitudes.  What an interesting through!   That was in the FALL of 2002. 


NOT LONG AFTER ATTENDING THOSE SEMINARS ONE NIGHT ABOUT 2:00 AM I WOKE UP IN A COLD SWEAT - As a result of attending that first SEMINAR, and about six or seven others like it, and conducting hours and hours of research on the internet, one night about 2:00 AM I woke up in a cold swet.  My my head felt like it was about to explode.


INFORMATION  ... INFORMATION ... INFORMATION ... and no idea on how to connect all this super-valuable information that all these super-successful gurus had provided me!


All a sudden I felt like an electric shock had struck inside my head...!!!  Oh My GOD!!   A nervous breakdown caused by over work - I thought!   But shortly after that experience I was fine, in fact I felt  better than ever ... and all that information began making sense for the first time!


I jumped out of bed, fired up my computer and began to write.  I wrote for hours and hours without even stopping for a moment.  That night I was able, for the first time to understand all the INFORMATION that I had learned from all those GURUs and ... to my surprise a bit MORE!


I came up with my plan for financial freedom.  This plan became my everyday passion. I kept it in an easy place to reach, I even put a copy in my car so that I could review it where ever and when ever I had a few moments to myself!


Shortly after that I began applying some of the ideas that I had written down and some of the of the techniques that I learned.  After a few weeks of doing the same things with some consistency, I started noticing a change in my thinking and my life.  It was not long before I realized that I had cracked the code, I had found my vehicle(s) to obtain financial freedom.


DOWDYNSON'S SUCCESS FORMULA 66 - It was doing this time that I developed my first formula for success.  I  call it Dowdynson's Success Formula 66.  It reads as follows:  For every 60 minutes that I work for any employer for any reason I would also work at least 6 minutes for myself and my family, so help me GOD! This was my promise to me!


What it really means is that for every 60 minutes that I work for anyone in a wage earning capacity, (for which I receive a W-2 ), I would also work at least six minutes for myself and my family in an effort to build a better future.  This equated to about 4 hours  per week.  


This one habit is one of the most important habits that you can develop!  The reason why I call it Dowdynson's Success Formula 66 is because my son, (13 years old at that time) was a major factor in the process  and he agreed to certain things that allowed me to do what I had to do!   He stuck to his part of the agreement.   It was somewhat like the Family Success Plan that Dr. Steven Covey talks about.  Dr. Covey also mentions something about this process in his ... "First Things First" and his "Things That Matters Most" writings!  "The  threads of habits are to thin to be noticed until they are to strong to be broken" - Unknown


TODAY, I am “DEBT-FREE”,  except for some “GOOD DEBT” i.e., some real estate that I own.  I should also add that my son's education has been a major financial strain on my finances.  However, I  can also honestly tell you that I and my family are on our way toward FINANCIAL FREEDOM ... and it is a fantastic feeling!


My life has changed like I never thought possible.  I have been able to give my family many, (almost all) of the things that I have always wanted to give them.  Just seconds ago, I told my son to get his passport and two identification cards ready because we are off to the Bahamas ...  as his High School Graduation present (Today 4 May 2005).  About that same time I sent my daughter a huge, huge check in order for her to buy the land that she was to built her dream home on.


Perhaps even more important than all that is the fact that I am now confident in myself and my knowledge and I am not afraid of the future anymore, neither for myself, my wife and soul mate, my son or daughter or anyone else who is willing to trust themselves enough to learn about what we are doing and join-us!


Friends who knew me before began noticing my “economical change”, approached me with questions on how I did it.  I told them how and shared my system with them.  Since that time many have decided to join our team and are NOW on their way to financial freedom.


Not only have I found a proven vehicle to financial freedom, we have develop virtually an “Almost Fail Proof” system to insure success for all our team members.  And  this same proven system, my new friends, is what I would like to share with you TODAY!


IF YOU ARE READY FOR FINANCIAL FREEDOM YOU ARE IN LUCK BECAUSE WE CAN SHOW YOU HOW TO GET THERE!   However, I would like to be the first to tell you that our system is not a get-rich-quick deal but if you are willing to apply our system and the techniques that we provide you with, you can expect to have fully changed your financial life in twelve months or less!    So, ... if you can stick to anything for 12 months or so, then lets begin ....



A SHORT STORY!   When I was growing up I spent a lot of time in Billiard Halls.  I was a "pool  player" and I was good at the game.  In fact I was probably the biggest money earner at Virginia State College during  the period 1966 through early 1971.  I purchased a new car while in collage as a result of my billiard skills. Considering  all my skills, it was not until about eight years after college that I really began to understand the game.  Why, ...  I read a book on Billiards, written by Robert Byrne, called Standard Book of Pool and Billiards.


Byrne was not  considered a great billiard player, but he was most definitely a “Great Teacher”!   Another reason why  I have such great respect for teachers, (in fact I have a web site specifically for recruiting teachers, callingallteachers.com).   One of the first things that Robert Byrne said in his book that has always stayed with me was this:  “Before bending over, decide on what shot to shoot, where the object ball must be struck, and what speed and english are needed to make the cue ball do what you want it to do.  Don’t be vague.  Make specific decisions - otherwise the outcome of the shot will teach you nothing.  If you change your mind in any significant way after crouching, straighten up and start  over”.  As a pool shooter, this struck home for me!


So what am I saying here?  Just this:  If you want to become wealthy you FIRST got to decide  what BEING wealthy means to you in specific terms and dollar figures and you must also know exactly why it is important that you have  this money.  In other words what will you do with all this new found wealth.  You need to be clear on where you are going and why you must get there. Check out: www.how2rewireyourmind.com 


The mind is a uniquely powerful organism.  Once you set a goal, like accumulating wealth or what ever, you will begin to notice those things around you that will aid you in obtaining that wealth.   However, it is very important that you spend some time and get as clear as possible on what it is that you want ... "Where  attention goes, energy flows, results shows"!  Decide on what to do before bending over!  


Example:   Have you ever purchased a new car and through that you would be the only one in the neighborhood who would have a car like it only to realize, upon returning home that the guy just down the street has an exact copy of your car and has had it for several weeks.  This is because your mind had simple overlooked it until you purchased one.  That's the way it works.  You will attract to yourself that which you think about.  Sooooo ... be careful of what you think about.   Dowdy's Axiom:  Never spend anytime thinking about what you don't want! 


There is no doubt in my mind that after reading that book and applying his technique, my pool game improved by at least as much as 33% over night, perhaps more!   


That was many years ago and I don't know why I didn't see that deciding on what I wanted works every where else also.  But this was the same for me regarding money and wealth.  I was not able to get my ass in gear until my son put some pressure on me.  Remember the strong wake up call that I told you I got from my son earlier.   Reminder:  Several years before my divorce from his mother I promised him that I was going to give him the house that we lived in as a collage graduation gift.  However, after our divorce and the discussions about selling the house my son aggressively reminded me of my promise to give him that house as a college graduation present.  Of course he was hoping that that would keep his mother and me from getting a divorce.  That of course did not work but it did stur up a fire in me.   At that moment I made a decision that I was going to do all that I could to save that house and give it to my son as a College Graduation Gift as I had promised.  I told his mother that I would agree to anything that she wanted.   All I wanted was the  house and custody of our son.  Now that I look back I know that much of my success has been the result of the fact that I decided that I would do whatever it took to save that house.  Decide on what you want and be as clear as you possible can.  Write it DOWN!


My Son's mother agreed and we were able to work things out so that I got exactly  what I has requested.  This agreement left me FLAT-BROKE and about $90,000 in credit card debt.  For the next few years or so things were tuff but my son and I, well ... we were getting stronger and stronger and in about July 2001 I began to make my move.  It was about that time that I realized that your frame of mind is far more important than I had ever realized before.  You absolutely must have some FAITH that what you want is POSSIBLE for you to GET and ... you must be willing to take action. 


Edison was once quoted as saying, “The reason why I was finally able to invent electricity was because I had eliminated everything that wouldn’t work”!   Why am I saying this?   Here is why:  You must learn to get up each time that you fall.  Like Edison, I decided that I was never going to stop trying, NEVER!   There is an old Japanese Proverb that says something like:  Success is being knocked down seven times and getting up eight!  You can get knocked down seven times and still get up and win!   


You may recall what I said earlier about my first formula for success, Dowdynson's Success Formula 66.  It  states:  For every 60 minutes that I work for any employer I will work at least 6 minutes for myself and my family, so help me GOD!   


ONCE YOU JOIN OUR TEAM - I began conducting financial training seminars.  We also mail and/or email or call our out of town associates to make sure that they are kept up to speed!  At the very beginning  of my financial seminars I ask that all attendees sign an oath that states the following:   I do swear and affirm that from this day forward that for each 60 minutes that I work for any employer I will also work at least 6 minutes for myself and my family, so help me ___________.  To be honest with you, I believe that you should work about 10 to 12 hours each week for your self and your family.  Why not, you are willing to work 40 to 60 hours per week for your boss and his family!  Who is more important!


Most people fail in life because they don’t know what they want.  Edison knew exactly what he wanted, yet he had failed, so I am told at least 1000 or more attempts.  So I  say again, decide on what you want before anything else.  Sorry, but you need to write it down.  Why is this necessary you may ask ....... It’s really very simple ....!  If you have no idea where you are going, how will you know when you get there?  How can you strive for something if you don’t know what it is that you are striving for?   For me my first GOAL was to save that house and give it to my son as a Collage Graduation Present.  I have since added some additional goals, but that house is still on tap for my son!  In fact it's now our office!  It where I conduct many of our business training seminar!  My son works with me and so does my daughter, she leads our East Coast Team!!


So, here is what I want you to do: Take several 3x5 cards and put them in your pocket or purse or some place where they are easy to reach.  For the next seven to ten days every time you think of something that you would  like to have or of something that you would like to do, write it down on one of those 3x5 cards.


Let me give you a few ideas of some of the things that you might want:  a new home ... a second home ... a new or better car ... the  amount of money that you want to earn monthly or yearly ... how much money you want to save within the next one, three or five years ... where do you want to go for your dream vacation ... etc, etc.  Do this and you will have taken a big step toward your Financial Freedom.


Goals are powerful.  Several years I decided that I wanted a Mercedes Benz!  Why, hell I don't know, I just wanted one!  About 3 or 4 months after that my son's mother called me and said that she had purchased an E500 a year before but had decided that she wanted an S500 and asked me if I wanted her E500. She said that she would let me have it at the same price that the dealer had offered her for it.  She also said that I could pay her on a schedule that I could afford - what a deal!  Well, why not, it was the outcome of a goal that I had set!



Next I want you to do the following:

#1.  make a list your top ... 21 things that you want and then identify the 5 to 7 things that you feel are the most important to you.

#2 - Write down the exact date when you would like to reach that particular goal, i.e. 31 Mar 2012 ... Whenever!

#3 - Estimate the amount of money it will take for you to accomplish your goal.


Following is an example which will help this process become clearer to you: 


Lets say that you have decided that you want to earn $8,000 per month starting in eight months from now.   This may sound impossible to you now but play along with me, to tell you the truth it is quite possible but only ... if you  can believe it.  Write down this amount and date clearly ... and keep it in a place where you can see it every day as  a reminder of your goals.  You have now finished step one toward reaching your Financial Freedom Goals.  I often  do this for myself.  Since the last time I did this my income has topped $13,000 per month ... and growing!    Why in the "hell" did it take me "almost half of my life" to get my but in gear!  Did you get that?   We will see!  PS:  I used the above example because the 8,000 per month was my goal.  My new goal is 25.000 per month!


SINCE THE BEGINNING OF TIME MEN HAVE BEEN SEEKING FINANCIAL FREEDOM - Since early times it has been a human desire to obtain FINANCIAL  FREEDOM, although not to many people have been able to achieve it.  Remember what Dan Kennedy said!


Before  we get into the specifics of our “Almost Fail Proof” System for achieving Financial Freedom, let’s define  what Financial Freedom is:  Certain economists say that Financial Freedom is to have more money than needed to cover  our prime necessities.  In other words, enough to began planning our financial future with peace of mind.  For some  to feel they have Financial Freedom, means to have huge quantities of money.  For still others it’s just having  enough for certain needs. 


WHAT IS FINANCIAL FREEDOM FOR ME?  Financial Freedom for ME is:  

The  ability to pay all my monthly BILLS for at least one year in advance even if I did not have an income during that year and  also TO be able to help some of the members of my family from time to time.  To be able to maintain my present standard of living during retirement.  No I am not there yet ... but not to worry ... we are on the move!


No matter  the case, ... to have money is the main goal.   At any rate, because of those seminars that I attended and what I learned from the speakers and some of the attendees, and the books that I have since read, and because I now know what works and how and why it works, I am now teaching those who have join our team and they are now on their way to Financial Freedom.


After I began applying my new found knowledge it was about 60 to 90 days before I began seeing the results of my efforts!    Because of several improvements and changes in our system, you can expect to start making money is LESS THAN 30 DAYS!  


BEFORE I GO ANY FURTHER I would like to remind  you of something I said earlier: 

From a report publish by the U.S. Social Security Administration over 60 years ago,  which has been updated every ten years thereafter, confirms exactly what Dan Kennedy said earlier.  The most recent report  from the U.S. Social Security Administration stated that eighty-seven percent (87%) of all Americans, upon retirement, will  need financial assistance from friends, family or the Federal Government during retirement in order to survive!  Eight-percent  (8%) will be able to live comfortably within their own means.  Four percent (4%) will be able to live at the same standards  that they lived at prior to retirement.  One percent (1%) will be independently wealthy.


This was also reconfirmed in a very recent survey conducted by the Association of Retired Persons, AARP, which indicated that 30% of all baby boomers,  those born between (1945 and 1964), have said that they plan to continue work after retirement because of financial need.   Another survey also conducted by AARP stated that 28% of all adults in America between 25 and 64 have a collage degree.   Remember that quote from Dan Kennedy, Take any hundred people at the start of their career .....!   By the way,  Dan Kennedy is one of, if not the worlds leader in business consulting and writing copy.  He is truly a Genius at what  he does, just as much so as anyone that you know!


Anyway, during my attendance at all those seminars and my talks with all those money making gurus I learned that there are a number of extremely good ways of accumulating wealth.


However there are a few basic STEPS that you will have to go through that I will share with you here.  After I have  done that I will also share with you what I think are the best and FASTEST way(s) to accumulate wealth. In other words the  things that has and continues to work for me.  I will also tell you what I think is the absolute "Best and Fastest  Way to WEALTH" in North America and perhaps the WORLD today!




You must find the right financial vehicle that will help you get to your goals. You already have a "J-O-B", (Just Over Broke), position and have had one for almost all your life and yet you have not obtained FINANCIAL FREEDOM, so you must therefore conclude that a "J-O-B"  is not the solution.  Your "J-O-B"  MUST ALWAYS be viewed as a means to an end and most definitely not  an end in and of itself! 


In reality only a hand full of people have been able to gain Financial Freedom through their "J-O-B"!  These are the same people that Dan Kennedy and the Social Security Administration talked  about earlier.  Nope, a "J-O-B" is not the answer!  IF you look at the tax laws you will find that people  with J-O-B-s are the ones who are always paying more taxes.  Ask your accountant if you don't believe me.  But  be fore warned, your account may not always have your best interest in mind.


What about a collage degree?  Well, for many people that is the way to go, although anyone can tell you that having a college degree will not give you the Financial Freedom that you are seeking.  In fact this is the way that I decided to go ... over 35 years ago!  


More and more college graduates everyday find out that they must really be lucky to get a job where they can apply  and get paid for all the knowledge and skills that they learned in college.  Let me repeat, a "JOB", must always be look upon as a means to an end, and by no means the end in itself!


A college degree is important.  According to an article in AARP The Magazine, July and August 2005, people with a collage degree earn about 80% more on their "JOB"  than does those without a collage degree. 


DON”T GET ME WRONG!  Going to college is in in my opinion, very very important, in fact I feel that it’s very necessary; however, doing so will not secure your Financial Freedom!  You must still find a vehicle that can lead you to Financial Freedom.  Get that degree!  But realize that it is  only to be your back up ... plan for survival.  Becoming wealthy, well, there is more to be done!


NOTE:   As of this update my son is a senior in one of Southern California's most respected Universities and I have been encouraging him all the way; however, I have also told him that I think that college is important primarily because of the social skills  that he will learn.  I have also told him that it is not likely that he will learn the skills that he will need to obtain Financial Freedom.  Fortunately, for him all he will need to learn to do is, "keep the ball rolling" and perhaps improve on it here and there just a little!


Keeping the above in mind, following are several different vehicles that I think are great ways that could lead you to Financial Freedom, (I will also tell you about the two or three things that I have chosen and the one thing that I feel is an absolute priority for me):



How many wealthy people do you know who does not own a business) ... NONE!  This is still a part of the American dream for many people.  And make no mistake about it, even the tax laws have been written to encourage  business investment and entrepreneurship!  Three out of the four people in America who have became wealthy did so through  the ownership of their own business.


Having your own traditional business will give you a lot of positive things  like: freedom to act ..., being able too use your own creativity ..., confront daily challenges that will help you grow as  a person, etc.  However, having your own traditional business will give you a lot of headaches with things like employees, inventory, big investments, ... etc ... statistics show that about 95% of all traditional business fail within the first 3  years.


To start your own business you will need experience and a knowledge of what you will be doing. If you have  the energy and don’t mind all the daily challenges that is sure to come this will be a great option ... instead of going  for that “JOB:, where you will work like hell and almost never received the proper appreciation or adequate pay for  your efforts. 



This could give you many of the advantages of owning your  own business and also eliminate many of the risk that a traditional business offers.  You can find many successful franchises;  however, you can expect HUGE up front fees in order to become a franchisee. If you have $30,000 to as much as $800,000 this could be a fantastic vehicle to achieve Financial Freedom. This is definitely not my choice but if you have the extra cash,  perhaps it will work for you!


Personally, I have a thing about BUYING a “J-O-B” and no matter how you  look at it BUYING a franchise is JUST like BUYING a "J-O-B"!  Unless, of course it is something, that you really,  really, really love doing.   Flipping Big Mac's all day could make you rich, if you also own the business, I  am told, however, I am just not strong enough to make myself happy flipping hamburgers or watching someone else flip burgers  all day.  And ever with a successful Franchise, there are so many limitations.



I love real estate!  I used several credit cards one time to buy a house. I have since sold that house but I walk away  with $150,000 in profits from that investment.  However, I lived on pins and needles for about ten months until I could  finally take full ownership of that house.  Would I do it again, absolutely!  But only because this time I have a much better idea of what I need to do!  You have heard it said that GOD takes care of FOOLS and BABIES!  Well  I am living proof that He does!


I will always be somewhat involved in real estate and weather you like it or not,  so will you; however, it is not as easy as many SEMINAR sellers try to make it look!  Yet with the proper skills, it  does work and I am proof! 


However, in all fairness to those who sell you seminar seats to learn real estate.   What they teach is in most cases, is good information; and I would recommend most to anyone who have ALREADY made the decision to succeed before you pay the $5,000 or so that many of the seminars cost you.  I know, I was one of these guys, ... but I also  know that my success was primarily because I had made a decision that I wanted financial freedom and I was willing to do whatever it took to earn it.  Do you remember that I told you that I spent over $50,000 attending seminars .... most of it was spent on attending real estate seminars.  Is real estate my choice for financial freedom ... NO!   And I suggest that you also find something else too!



Well I have tried this thing before, perhaps you have also, and I knew that it would not work for me, door-2 door, stacks of supplies in my garage, absolutely not for me!  However, considering what all the gurus were saying about this thing I through  I would at least check it out ...  AGAIN!


Here is what some are saying about NETWORK MARKETING - Robert G.  Allen, the author of Multiple Streams of Income, Second Addition, on page 195 called network marketing the Ultimate Money  Machine.  Robert G. Allen by the way is the worlds #1 author of financial and wealth building books.  Allen has  made millions of dollars selling books on buying and selling real estate!  He has also made millions on doing what he  teaches others to do, yet he feels that Network Marketing is the absolute best way of creating wealth!   He must  be crazy ... or is he?


Robert Kiyosaki, the author of several New York Times best sellers to include Rich Dad Poor Dad, in his new book, Business School, For People Who Like Helping People, expands on his original eight “hidden values”  of a network marketing business. Kiyosaki says that not only is network marketing a great way to build wealth, but you should  also consider the other great hidden values of network marketing!  In fact in an exclusive interview Kiyosaki reveals  that his choice to retire young, retire rich is through ... Network Marketing.  Seems that everybody has gone MAD, or  have they?


EVEN THE President of the US Chamber of Commerce has step in to endorse Direct Sales / Network Marketing.   When I took a look at the list of gurus who were also involved within the network marketing industry, it almost made me sick!    Why, well it looked like I would be forced to try my hand at it again.



“Poverty is when large efforts produce small results.  Wealth is when small efforts produces large results.” - David George


"I’d rather have 1 percent of the efforts of 100 people than 100 percent of my own efforts." - J. Paul Getty


Dr. Charles King from the University of Illinois in Chicago called network marketing, “the last bastion of our capitalist world to achieve financial independence with little investment ...”. Network Marketing is also known as “Multilevel”!


There are a great number of companies which are now involved in network marketing to help them achieve success. These companies have helped a lot of people to achieve financial freedom.  MOST of them will provide you with all the information and guidance that you need in order to achieve your success goals.  They are willing to give you all this help - and  much more - merely because the only way for them to be successful is by helping their associates and distributors become successful FIRST ... !!!


Being an OLD Army Colonel this network marketing thing has a special very appeal to me, YOU know,  “A good Captain will always sink with his ship”!  In other words, because this is not always what most people find when starting a new business - people with experience willing to share their knowledge and expertise with YOU, so YOU  can become successful ... !  Network Marketing has been haled by some as, “the people’s franchise”!


Well, by now you are probably thinking that this is also the VEHICLE that I chose, "for the second time",  to take me to FINANCIAL FREEDOM.  You are CORRECT or should I say partly CORRECT.  I say partly because I still have some real estate investments and I plan on acquiring more, (however, my real estate seed money comes from my network  marketing activities). And there is one other factor, ... Our system has several extremely powerful differences that is not available in anything that I have ever seen to date.  


Now I Thank GOD I was able to get pass my previously owned mental block(s, (and there were many), about direct sales and network marketing.  After my second and most critical look at the direct \ sales network marketing industry (and now that I fully understand is power), I have decided that I will Forever and Always,  be involved within the Direct Sales and Network Marketing Industry.  And I am hoping the same for my son and daughter.   More about the reason I choose direct sales and networking later.  For now lets return to our next step.



PLEASE ..., PLEASE ..., PLEASE ... stay away from negative people.  You  know the type, they are the ones that only talk, think or act in negative ways.  These people will take you down to their  pitiful level with them.  Don't let anyone steal your dreams.  Negative people send out a negative energy that destroys creativity and it also makes you tired - Tired people never get rich!  Negative people are also great at stealing  DREAMS!  Never forget, DREAMS are the stuff that FORTUNES are made of!



DON'T BE A HUMAN LOBSTER!  The best way that I can insure that you clearly understand what I mean is to use the  following poem, written by Orison Swett Marden



A lobster, when left high and dry among the rocks has no instinct or energy enough to work his way back to the sea, but waits for the sea to come to him.  If it does not come, he remains where he is and dies ..., ALTHOUGH the slightest effort would enable him to reach the waves, which are perhaps within a few feet of him.


THE WORLD IS FULL OF HUMAN LOBSTERS:  People stranded on the rocks of indecision and procrastination, who, instead of putting forth their own energies, are waiting for some grand billow of good fortune to set them afloat!  JUST DON’T BE A LOBSTER!!!!!!!!!!



If you decide to do something, take action, NOW, TODAY!  You know you want it with all your heart, YOU  MUST TAKE ACTION!  If you don’t nothing will happen. Once you get the "BALL ROLLING" it becomes difficult to stop it!  Be BOLD! BOLDNESS always carries with it it's own reward!  My wife once told me that it was my braveness that caught her attention before my kindness had a chance to speak!


My son was a basketball player is high school. I don’t know how many times he and his team mates has heard me yell out doing one of their games, “If  you don’t shoot the ball it want go”!  Pull the Triger!  TAKE ACTION!


I am sorry to inform you but to do nothing is an action in and of itself; however, it will produce zero results.  In other words a non-decision is a decision.  This is just like a thought in your head, it cannot reside there without paying rent.  Someone always  pays ... in this case it's YOU!  Do nothing and you may as well write a check to someone, anyone!  TAKE  ACTION!



All excuses are equal and they all produce equal results,  NOTHING!  Take a moment to look back in your life, about five years or more, what do you see?  What have you accomplished, (financially or otherwise), during those five years?  Are you NOW where you said that you wanted to be NOW?  Why NOT?   What did you do to get to where you are?  If you did not do anything you have no right to expect to be anywhere other than where you are. Consider yourself lucky!  Because of inflation alone your financial situation has had a set back! 



You need to start saving, NOW, today!  You need  to began putting at least eight to fifteen percent of your income into some type of investment account.  I suggest an index fund. Right now is as good a time as any. Perhaps at usaa.com, fidelity.com or vanguard.com or one of the many good funds that are out there.   HA!  No excuses!



You need to continue to take action.  Take some time to learn more about residual income.  Attend local meeting at least once a week.  Adopt Dowdynson's Success Formula 66 and stick with it for a full twelve months.  If you do I personally  promise that your life, financially and otherwise, will have changed forever.  "Just Do It"!



YOU should make at least three contact every day!  While you are on your coffee break, at the water machine or while at lunch you should always be willing to let people know what it is that you do.  More about that later.  You need to make sure that of these three contacts you get the address and telephone  number of all three if possible and you will need to let them know that you will call them in a few days to get their thoughts about any information that you gave them.  This is important!



If you think that everyone that you talk to about your new business in going to act the first time that you talk to them, you are blowing smoke.  Yes, I signed on the dotted line the first time that I looked at the business that  I now work so passionately; however, over the last 8 years I have looked at about 198 other business opportunities.   Here is my point:  Once you make contact with someone, try and get someway to follow-up with them.  Most will appreciate it and those who get involve with you will thank you!  Most people need to be contacted about 3 to 7 times before that are able to make a decision.  But .... most people have not had the decision making training that I have had ... remember  ... "the Colonel"!  



As you may recall I told you earlier that I went to work as a correctional peace officer.  One of the things that still amazes me today is the kind of books that the guys are allowed to read or the kind of TV shows that they are allowed to watch.  Would you wear jeans and tennis shoes on a high level J-O-B interview!  Everybody knows that what you wear and who you spend most of your time with eventually becomes who you are.  Well, what you read has far more influence on what you become than what you wear!







STEP #12:  REREAD STEPS  01 THROUGH 11 AND THEN CONTACT ME and let's talk!   Once you join our team you will receive an introduction packet, directly from the company that will provide you with a step-by-step formula for success.  Don't try and create your own formula.   Just do what is suggested in the manual.  Yes, I have added my own twist to the program and yes I am convinced that it will be of great value to you but, for starters, just do exactly what the manual suggests.  This is the tried and tested, and ... proven path to success. 


BY NOW you are probably aware that the vehicle that I chose is Direct Sales (also  known as Network Marketing).  Following are a few of the reasons why I chose this area rather than any other area:


WHY I CHOOSE NETWORK MARKETING AS MY VEHICLE FOR FINANCIAL FREEDOM - The main reasons that I chose network  marketing "again", was because of the follows, (not considering the fact that I had began to feel that I would be a fool not  too):


Reason #1. - Start-up cost.  Remember I was a guy who was a "FLAT-TIRE" from bankruptcy!   To be able to start an International Network Marketing business for less than $100 sounds almost insane ... but it's true.  


Reason #2. - Network Marketing provides an awesome opportunity to develop NOW and RESIDUAL INCOME.  And "MOST" of the old requirements had NOW changed!  And if you learn nothing else be certain that you understand what residual income is.  Simple question:  After a long nights sleep are you richer when you wake up or are you poorer?   If you are richer, you are earning residual income.  Boy I love residual income!


Reason #3. - It provides me a chance to expand internationally.  Our primary business have operations in several foreign countries as of this writing and we are about ready to take on Latin America! 


Reason #4. - And in many cases, it allows me to travel tax free throughout the USA, Canada and anywhere in the world that we operate in!  You must be sure that you and your tax consultant are on the same sheet of music but if it's done right, there are some fantastic TAX advantages in owning a direct  sales / network marketing business.


Reason #5. - It affords me all the TAXs advantages of owning a traditional business but without all the headaches of employees, office space and overhead and I can work from home on my on schedule, (never go anywhere or get on an airplane without some of your business cards and promotional materials).


Reason #6. - As I said earlier, I am an Old Retired Army Colonel and I know that my success in the military was "ONLY"  because of the thousands of young men and women, from around the “FREE WORLD”, who worked with and for me, (that  I work with and “FOR”)!  In fact this is also a prime reason why I turned to network marketing ... I feel  so grateful to those young soldiers, sailors and airmen and women that I need to give back to society and Network Marketing  is the perfect way to do it!   See my callingallveterans.net web site!


Reason #7. - I am a poor salesman and I needed a business that basically sold itself.  What I have found is that all I need to do with the company that I work with is to present/provide prospects with some product and service information either in print or on CD/DVD and potential customers will usually only look to you to answer a few questions that may have not been unclear to them.  And when I don't have the answer(s) I turn to my  up-line.  If you are wondering if your up-line will be willing to help ... you better believe it.  That's just one of the powers of direct sales and our business.  You will always be able to get all the help that you need.  When someone in your down-line makes a sale ... they get paid ... and so do you ... and so do I.  At any rate as I continued to mull over this concept things FINALLY began to come CLEAR to me.  I call it my reason number 8.


Reason # 8. - Some of you may already know that I am fond of real estate and have made a lot of money from investing in real estate.  But it was not easy and unless you are a savvy investor, beware. And I wanted to get involve in something that both of my kids would embrace.  It worked, they are both working with me in our present business.  ALSO, In the back of my mind I knew that I wanted to come up with something that  would allow me the opportunity to work with others, especially the kinda people that I knew and loved in the military.  Network Marketing was the perfect vehicle for that. 


Reason #9. - THE WAY CHRIST BUILT CHRISTIANITY - It occurred to me that CHRISTIANITY was build by JESUS CHRIST and his TWELVE disciples through the same PRINCIPLES as used in Direct Sales and NETWORK MARKETING. 


NOW MILLIONS of DOLLARS are MADE each DAY, each MONTH and every YEAR throughout the UNITED STATES and the rest of the WORLD through the use of these same principles.  It worked for CHRIST.  And one of the things that I now clearly understand is this:  The more you give ... it really works.  Why not THIS!


CHRIST has always lead by example, perhaps through the system that he chose to build his organization, CHRISTIANITY, he was also teaching us to build our FUTURES (to live life more abundantly) .  Network Marketing is the same SYSTEM that Christ used, HOW can we fail?!


Network Marketing allows me to help myself by helping others to obtain what they want in life and I TRULY and HONESTLY love doing that!  I can teach "YOU" how to do the same thing!


In fact I believe that because of my sincere desires to help my family, my friends and others to obtain FINANCIAL FREEDOM, GOD has lead me in the direction of Direct sales / Network Marketing.  



If you are looking to get on the "FAST TRACK" to Financial Freedom and are willing to learn the basics and then be willing to spend about 10 to 15 hours per week working for yourself and your future, the sky is the limit ...!


No matter the case, weather you are looking just to earn some additional income or weather you are looking for FINANCIAL  FREEDOM, we are awaiting your call:


Please call me at:  VM:  1-800-844- 9639 x 4544!  You may also  call me DIRECT at: Ph: 1-866-GODOWDY - (1-866- God Only Will Deliver You) / (1-866-463-6939).  My email address is: aacwcd@yahoo.com.


HOWEVER, please understand that being successful in any endeavor requires a few special habits and some effort!   So before we part company there are a few other things that I want to pass on to you:


Surround yourself with people who know what they are doing and learn from them.  Began applying what they are doing so you can get where they are and beyond.  Why in the hell, OOPS, would anyone ever listen to someone talking about how tuff football is if he or she has never played the game, YET people do all the time.


FINALLY and the most important point of all!   You need to thank GOD for a that you have ... YOU also need to thank HIM for all the wealth and abundance that will soon be coming your way!!!



Simply this:  It does not matter weather you are a  Doctor, Lawyer, Engineer, Nurse, Cop School Teacher, or an "OLD" crusty Army Colonel like myself, if you are not "doing the right things," or should I say, if you continue to do what every body else is doing, you have a very good chance of ending up in the same boat that 87% of the population of the United States, (almost everybody else) will end up in, i.e.,  dead broke and needing financial assistance from friends, family and/or the Federal Government during retirement in order to survive.


Thank GOD I made the decision to NOT go out that way, and YOU have the same choices that I have. YOU must  begin to do what everybody else is NOT DOING! The bottom line is simple, do what they do ... end up where they end up!


I HOPE that you have not been overwhelmed with all this!  Well, that’s not totally true.  The  fact is, I hope it scares YOU, right OUT of your UNDERWEAR!  This is serious business, your FINANCIAL FREEDOM is a serious  matter!  And if you don’t began to make changes to your sails, your ship is going to end up on the same side of  life as does 87% of all American’s.  No matter what you do you are going to be a statistic, why not choose to be  a wealthy statistic.  With what I am going to teach you, YOU CAN!


THERE’S A BETTER WAY!  And one that is well WITHIN your REACH!  And you don’t need to posses anymore than an average degree of intelligence.   You don’t have to be, “smart”.  If that were the case, I cannot even began to imagine where I would  be!  Sure I was a Dam Good Soldier, but I have never been much good at anything else, and I was especially poor with managing money!   I worked for MONEY ... (JOB) for the first 40 years of my life, ... isn't it about time that money began working for me!  If you are wondering how I know if what I am telling you is true, it’s simple, I am living proof.   This has been my life, this is my story!   Even now I sometimes wonder how could I have been so far "OFF TRACK, for so long ... how sad!?


If you can get your butters to fly in formation there is a very good chance that I can show you how to get on the "FAST TRACK" to financial freedom, i.e., however, you must first conquer your "FEAR MONSTER"!


Speaking of FEAR, make no mistake about it, FEAR is a “THIEF”!  It is THE thief of DREAMS!   Fear will STEAL your chances for Financial Freedom.  “Do the thing that you fear”, said Ralph Waldo Emerson,  “and the death of fear is certain”!  FEAR is your worst ENEMY!  Do the thing that you fear and you will WIN!  You must have FAITH!  You must understand FEAR!  FEAR is nothing more than this: F - false, E- evidence, A  - appearing, R - real!


LET ME TELL YOU ANOTHER SHORT STORY!  Several years ago I met the most beautiful young lady that I had ever met in my “WHOLE LIFE”!   Remember!  I am an old Army Colonel and I have traveled  the world more times than I care to remember!   I have more air miles than most people have auto miles!  So the magnitude of what I am saying when I say "the most beautiful" needs to be digested slowly!   It  was not long after meeting her that I had decided that she was “THE LADY”, that I had been looking for, “ALL  MY LIFE”!


WHAT WERE MY ODDS? Well lets see:  She was young and beautiful, I was middle aged and "FLAT BROKE"!  Correction - FLAT BROKE is when you have no money, I was not only "FLAT-BROKE",  but I also owed $90,000!


Yet I had decided that she was what I wanted.  Remember what I told my son and his basketball team mates, “If you don't shot the ball it want go”!  When I translated that it was exactly the same as saying, “If I don’t tell this young lady that I wanted her to be my wife she would never know”!


THE REST OF THE STORY!  That young lady is now my WIFE!  All I can say is "Thank God for  Boldness"!  Thank GOD I got pass my FEAR of being REJECTED and SHOT the BALL!   Remember what I said about BOLDNESS before! BOLDNESS .... has it's own reward!   HA! HA! ....


Well my Dear Friends, it's  time for me to place the ball back in your court!  But before I do I would just like to ask you the following:   Would you like to add an extra stream of income to your life this year or are you looking to obtain financial freedom?  No matter the case, all you need to do is contact us!   My associates and I are ready and standing buy to help you go as far as you desire toward improving your financial situation, even to ... "Financial Freedom".


My associates and I are continually selecting people for a brand-new money making program. We have been helping people just like you to add extra income into their lives while creating financial success for themselves and their families for quite some  time now ...  AND NOW IF YOU CAN CONQUER YOUR FEAR MONSTER, IT’S YOUR TURN.


We would like to talk with you about a brand-new way of making money that has me more excited than anything I have ever seen.  Remember, I am a man who has moved from being “FLAT-BROKE” and in $90,000 worth of debt just a few years ago to now being well on my way to ... "Financial Freedom!  So, when I tell you about something that I feel is the best possible way of creating wealth, you should PROBABLY listen really, really CAREFULLY!


What I am writing about, Network Marketing, is SIMPLE, yet POWERFUL, and more IMPORTANT, it really WORKS! We’d like to show you how you can START earning STREAMS of extra INCOME almost IMMEDIATELY.


And the best part of about THIS is our SYSTEM:   YOU can be successful within our system with such a small initial investment to get started and one that requires no more  than 8 -10 hours per week, sometimes less! 


However, if you desire to be financially free and are willing to learn the specifics of our "Almost Fail Proof", System and are willing to invest about 8-12 hours per week of effort,  you can expect to obtain great financial success within one (1) year and even financial FREEDOM with in 3 to 5 years.   So come secure your POSITION with in our team and decide what your goals are and we are off to the races!


No matter the case, weather you are looking just to earn some additional income or weather you are looking for FINANCIAL FREEDOM, we  are awaiting your call:


Please call me at: 1-800-844-9639 x 4545 or Ext. 4544!  You may also call me DIRECT  at: Ph: 1-866-GODOWDY - (God Only Will Deliver You) - (1-866-463-6939).  My email address is: aacwcd@yahoo.com.


Don't let this opportunity pass by without finding out for yourself!  Call me at: 1-800-844-9639  x 4544!  You may also call me DIRECT at: Ph: 1-866-GODOWDY - (God Only Will Deliver You) - (1-866-463-6939).   My email address is: aacwcd@yahoo.com.


Don't ever forget ...



Thanks for allowing me to spend this time with you, God Bless You and Your Family!





"the Colonel"

Carlton Dowdy, US Army, (Ret.)

1-866-463-6939 ~ Email:  aacwcd@yahoo.com


PS:  How you deal with failure determines weather or not you will be successful in life.  You must apply these principles with passion and you will begin seeing changes in your life that you never through possible.  That's exactly what happened to me!


PPS:  Have you ever wondered why SOME people are successful and others are not?  The answer to this question and all others are seated heeded deep  with in your .... WEALTHOLOGOS


REMEMBER!  Even if you "ONLY" wish to add some additional income into your life, my team of professionals and I will be here to help and coach you all the way!   We will  provide you with all the necessary training and support that you need. 


The  bottom line is this:  If you are interested in building a STRONG second stream of income, that could possible replace  your first INCOME, and start you on your way to toward Financial FREEDOM, my ASSOCIATES and I are  WILLING to COACH you for FREE.


Don't let this opportunity pass by without finding out for yourself ... !!!  Please call me at: 1-800-844-9639  x 4545 or Ext. 4546!  You may also call me DIRECT at: Ph: 1-866-GODOWDY - (God Only Will Deliver You) -  (1-866-463-6939).  My email address is: aacwcd@yahoo.com.



"Expenses will always rise in direct proportion to income." Parkinson's Law


"The entire essence  of America is the hope to first make money -- then make money with money -- then make lots of money with lots of money."  -- Paul Erdman


Cherish your visions and your dreams as they are the children of your soul; the blue-prints of your ultimate achievements." - Napolean Hill


"The  American education system has failed us ... either by neglect or by design. Not only has it failed us by not providing us with the needed financial literacy skills but it has also failed us in the human relations skills department as well" -- Carlton Dowdy


Zenlei Speaks!


If you have a relationship question for us, ask Zenlei.  We will do our best to answer it here!


Your questions and our responses follows:


Q:  Why is it that I seem to always end up in destructive relationships?


A:  This is an extremely interesting question and one that I am eager to answer.  There is an old saying.  It goes like this:   "Where attention goes, energy flows, and results shows".  When you are driving down the road and all of a sudden you start to look to your left, what happens is you will also start to drive toward your left.  Again, "where attention goes, energy flows, and results shows".  Well, I am sorry to tell you this but the question you posed goes much further than it may seem. 


Your mind conditioning is such that it always seeks to re-create what it knows best and is more familiar with even if that situation hurts.  We are conditioned to be more willing to accept something that hurts than we are conditioned to embrace something new.  In your case, you, by your conditioning, would rather enter into the known, (a destructive relationship), rather than an unknown, (a non-destructive relationship).  In this case you are more comfortable in recreating this patten of being involved in distractive relationships than you are willing to enter the unknown.  Your mind, because of past relationships, may have began to attract this patten of intimacy and abuse as one and you therefore may have mentally accepted the fact that in order to enjoy one, (intimacy), you must accept the other, (abuse). This is a powerfully sad situation that cannot be totally addressed here but you may contact me directly and see if I am able to help! 


Good Morning,


My name is Carlton Dowdy.  Before I get started I would like to give you some idea of where I get some of my INFORMATION.  I spent 22 years in the military working with young men and women from all over the "FREE" world.


I have one daughter who teaches school in VA and I have one son who is a 4th year student at Chapman University in Orange california.


I was the founder of a Single Parent Group, called Single Parents USA, that had members as far away as Arozana, Virginia, New York and ... ZimBobWay!


I am now a correctional counsouler with the CA Department of Corrections, Juv.  Services, I work with all type of offenders including Sex Offenders!   


I have and continue to conducted seminars on building wealth through Networking.  


My son and I have plans to open a school in Jan 2009 ... called The Wealthologos Academy . COM


I am telling you all this because I want you to know just how serious I am about all this and how grateful I am to the Good Doctor here for expanding my knowledge base on what I will be able to offer to our students.


Now for the matter at hand:

<> As you know our assignment was to select one of the topics within the subject of breakthrough parenting and talk for about 5 minutes. Selecting a particular topic was a difficult task for me because I enjoyed talking about all of them.


I believe that there are a very select and very few people who are on the verge of or who has entered into a major shift in thinking as it relates to the way we do things ... or perhaps I should say ... the way we should be doing things.  


Not only are you seeing this in the field of medicine and health, not only are you seeing this in the world of money and finances but now, thanks to the good doctor here and a few others, you are seeing it in the way that we should be teaching our kids.  Doctor_________, is one of those trail blazers who are leading the way.


The best way for me to have you understand what I am saying I believe is for me to tell you the following, TRUE STORY (I call it the ELEPHANT TRAINER):


<> Some where during the late 60's or early 70's there was a great fire that occurred in one of the supply tents at Barnahan  &  Bailey Circus.  People were preparing  to set up for the "Greatest Show On Earth", as it  was called.  


<> The fire was massive.  People were running back and forth trying to save those who had been trapped inside this huge tent.


<> Outside this tent were 4 elephants that were tired on a tiny old wooden fence with only the standard elephant tie-down rope.


<> The fire continued to roar.  


<> When the fire had ran it course and all the people had been accounted for the inspectors began taking a toll of their loses.  During their inspection these men and women realized that all 4 elephants had been consumed by the fire.


<> How could this have happened they through.  How could these powerful animals, these mountian movers stand here and be consumed by this fire when they could have simply walked away!


<> In an effort to understand this, they went to speak with the Elephant Trainer.  When approached, the elephant trainer was in tears.  


The elephant trainer began to explain:

<> The elephant is the most powerful animal on earth.  If he decided to move or walk away, there is absolutely nothing that can be done stop him.  In order to control him we began teaching him when he is a newborn baby (sounds fimular), that whenever he has a rope tied around one his front legs, he has no power to move.


To accomplish this:

<> When he is a baby we tie a very large rope around his front leg.   This rope is so heavy that as a baby he is unable to move or walk with this rope around his leg.   


<> As he grows we reduce the size and weight of the rope.  When he is full grown and at a point where nothing is strong enough to stop him if he decided to move; however, he only remembers that when there is a rope around one of my front legs, I am unable to move!


<> Although the fire was painful ... all he knew was that as long as that rope is around my front leg, I am unable to move.


<> We are all elephants, as well as elephant trainers.  


We teach based on what we have learned.  This is how our parents taught us and therefore it is, QUOTE, "good enough for our kids".  We are creactures of habit and habits are not easy to break.


Several months ago USA Today conducted a survey which asked to questions:


The first question:

<> 1.  Has your attitude change about your safety since 911?  Approximately 87% responded by saying that their has been a major change in their attitudes.


The second question:

<> 2.  Have you chanced any of your habits as a result of 911?  100% of those questioned said NO! 


<> My point is this:  Changing a habit is considered much like pulling teeth, no one will ever consider doing it until there is no choice but to do so!



Dr Frader

<> However, there is hope.  In the sixties a phychologist by the name of Frader, conducted a test to see how long it takes to change a habit.


<> He devised a set of eye glasses that when worn made everything look upside down.  Doing his test he had some one put on these glasses and keep this on until he was able to walk and move around as normal.  This process took 21 days.


<> Upon taking the glasses off he realized that his test person was unable to walk or do anything without the glasses.


<> Continuing with his test he found that his test person was only able act  and do normal things after another 21 days.


<> From this he concluded that it takes about 21 days to change a habit.  It is now widely accepted that it takes about 21 days to change a habit.  


Now back to the elephants:

<> Dr _____________ is an elephant, and an elephant trainer; however, she has made a Dae Kidea, (Cut from decision), and decided that she will also teach elephants that there are certain circumstances and certain situations when even elephants will have the power to and are allowed break the rope and walk away.


<> In this example, the good Dr here, would say to the elephants that when there is a matter of extreme discomfort and pain, your power increases ten times fold and you will become strong enough top walk away.


The reason why I decided to present this little talk to you is because of the following:

<> I believe that your present state of health, your present financial situation, and your relationship with your your spouse, your kids and your friends ... are all based on the elephant trainers that has been apart of your lives and I just wanted you to know that you have the power to re-look and re-evaulate your training and reconnect the dots so that the wiring will produce the results that you desire.  You can change your habits and your destiny!  You Can Walk Away!


You can rewrite your own script, you can reprogram your ... WEALTHOLOGOS!  

If you would like to know about your ... wealthologos you may go to wealthologos.com


Thank You.





The Kings Killer Dogs:



The Spider Monkey:



The Wise Old Man Who Lived On Top Of The Mountion In A Small Vallage in Aferica



The Elephant Trainer



The Fly



The Lobster



Dae Kidea



The best way for me to have you understand what I am saying I believe is for me to tell you the following, TRUE STORY (I call it the ELEPHANT TRAINER):


<> Some where during the late 60's or early 70's there was a great fire that occurred in one of the supply tents at Barnahan  &  Bailey Circus.  People were preparing  to set up for the "Greatest Show On Earth", as it  was called.  <> The fire was massive.  People were running back and forth trying to save those who had been trapped inside this huge tent. <> Outside this tent were 4 elephants that were tired on a tiny old wooden fence with only the standard elephant tie-down rope. <> The fire continued to roar.  


<> When the fire had ran it course and all the people had been accounted for the inspectors began taking a toll of their loses.  During their inspection these men and women realized that all 4 elephants had been consumed by the fire. <> How could this have happened they through.  How could these powerful animals, these mountian movers stand here and be consumed by this fire when they could have simply walked away! <> In an effort to understand this, they went to speak with the Elephant Trainer.  When approached, the elephant trainer was in tears.  


The elephant trainer began to explain:

<> The elephant is the most powerful animal on earth.  If he decided to move or walk away, there is absolutely nothing that can be done stop him.  In order to control him we began teaching him when he is a newborn baby (sounds fimular), that whenever he has a rope tied around one his front legs, he has no power to move.


To accomplish this:

<> When he is a baby we tie a very large rope around his front leg.   This rope is so heavy that as a baby he is unable to move or walk with this rope around his leg.   


<> As he grows we reduce the size and weight of the rope.  When he is full grown and at a point where nothing is strong enough to stop him if he decided to move; however, he only remembers that when there is a rope around one of my front legs, I am unable to move!


<> Although the fire was painful ... all he knew was that as long as that rope is around my front leg, I am unable to move.


<> We are all elephants, as well as elephant trainers.  


We teach based on what we have learned.  This is how our parents taught us and therefore it is, QUOTE, "good enough for our kids".  We are creactures of habit and habits are not easy to break.


Several months ago USA Today conducted a survey which asked to questions:


The first question:

<> 1.  Has your attitude change about your safety since 911?  Approximately 87% responded by saying that their has been a major change in their attitudes.


The second question:

<> 2.  Have you chanced any of your habits as a result of 911?  100% of those questioned said NO! 


<> My point is this:  Changing a habit is considered much like pulling teeth, no one will ever consider doing it until there is no choice but to do so!


Dr Frader

<> However, there is hope.  In the sixties a phychologist by the name of Frader, conducted a test to see how long it takes to change a habit.


<> He devised a set of eye glasses that when worn made everything look upside down.  Doing his test he had some one put on these glasses and keep this on until he was able to walk and move around as normal.  This process took 21 days.


<> Upon taking the glasses off he realized that his test person was unable to walk or do anything without the glasses.


<> Continuing with his test he found that his test person was only able act  and do normal things after another 21 days.


<> From this he concluded that it takes about 21 days to change a habit.  It is now widely accepted that it takes about 21 days to change a habit.  


Now back to the elephants:

<> Dr _____________ is an elephant, and an elephant trainer; however, she has made a Dae Kidea, (Cut from decision), and decided that she will also teach elephants that there are certain circumstances and certain situations when even elephants will have the power to and are allowed break the rope and walk away.


<> In this example, the good Dr here, would say to the elephants that when there is a matter of extreme discomfort and pain, your power increases ten times fold and you will become strong enough top walk away.


The reason why I decided to present this little talk to you is because of the following:

<> I believe that your present state of health, your present financial situation, and your relationship with your your spouse, your kids and your friends ... are all based on the elephant trainers that has been apart of your lives and I just wanted you to know that you have the power to re-look and re-evaulate your training and reconnect the dots so that the wiring will produce the results that you desire.  You can change your habits and your destiny!  You Can Walk Away!


<> 3 in the morning, 4 in the afternoon!


<>  The King's Man Eating Dogs


<> The man who love his horse!


<>  Skully (As told by Dr Wayne Dwayer)


<> We Chose HARMONY!

<> <> Not long ago, during one Xmas holiday, my wife was talking to her mother in China, Mainland China), something she does about every two or three days a week.  When her mother asked what she did for the Xmas holidays my wife said that Carl, that's me, and I took the whole family out to a Big Dinner!  The whole family consisted of her younger sister, my son and my son's mother, (my X-wife).  Her mother said, you guys have Great Harmony in your home.  She went on to say that your harmony within the home reminds me of a beautiful TRUE story, which I heard recently:


She went onto say that not long ago some ,




17 MILE MARCH 1972


In 1972, after the completion of a training exercise, on the training grounds of West Ft Hood Texas our Battalion Commander decided that he would ... "Impress his bosses by conducting a 17 mile force road march, (after weeks of extensive training).  What a dumb ass I through to myself.  I suggested that we use helicopters and conduct a massive jump into the heart of Ft Hood.  That did not go over very well.  I did not understand that I should have figured out a way to make the commander think that he had through of that idea!  you know ... Young Dumb LT! Anyway,  "the Colonel", would not hear of that.  


Just pryer to the start of the 17 mile march I decided to recheck my troops, about 240 men, (acting company commander).  They look good and prepared.  The Commander gave the word and we were off to the races.  About an hour or so into the march I noticed how happy my troops were.  I became somewhat suspicious when I saw how much sweat that they were showing.  I through that it was to early for that.  


I couldn't understand it but, what the hell, I assumed that they were happy to be going home even through there was a 17 mile walk staring them in the face.  As this situation continued, I decided to inspect a few of their canteens.  I am an old country boy and it is not easy to get much pass me.  Just as I suspected, ... there was beer in many of the canteens, passing as water.  


Some of the troops were starting to lag behind.  I continued to walk back and forth to try and keep the troops in formation.  Didn't want the colonel to know that I had missed the beer during my last equipment check. Who in the hell would have through to taste the water.   So I continued to walk, back and forth to try and get them to keep up.  Not considering the fact that what I was really doing was walking almost three times as much as anyone else, (back and forth for 17 miles)!  


The results was that I had to work like hell, walking back and forth trying to keep the troops in formation.  Anyway we finally arrived at Ft Hood and was standing in formation, (ready for the Commanding General's inspection of the troops)!  I was dam near dead.  A 17 mile walk after several weeks of day and night training as the Officer in Charge of the company was draining enough, buy another 17 miles of back and forth walking (which was really about 34 miles for me), trying to keep the formation looking good was more than my body could handle.  So ... I fainted!   


But .... no one ever knew.  My trusted and very caring 1SG NCOIC (Non Commission Officer In Charge), was standing behind me with his left hand out holding me in an upright position.  As a young LT, this was a "Defining Moment" for me.  It became clear to me that ... people care far less about how much you know and far more about how much you care!  Hey ISG Mac I love you!  Dowdy!


The Traveling Monk

     Gibbs Lesson / How  it worked for me.


There was a Monk, who lived long, long ago in China. Many look upon him as a great man, a wise man, some even looked upon him as a God!  This is not the story, the story is how he looked upon himself!  The story goes that he was traveling with a companion, by foot, this was many years ago.  He was on a mission to teach and educate people everywhere he went.  The traveling Monk and his companion would stop at the gates of every city along his route and he would began to preach and teach.  Because he was a well known religious speaker, many people of the villages, upon hearing that he was at their gates would come out to wish him well and to feed him and provide him with food and water to support him on his travels.  


The story goes that as he arrived at one of the stopping points along his route, there were a group of people from this particular village who came to chastise and curse him. They swore, cursed and even threw rocks at him.  They called him dirty names, even called him a fake!  This continued for several hours.  After the allotted stopping time the traveling Monk announced that he must depart in order to remain on schedule. 


However, he informed those people who were swearing and cursing at him that he would be returning along this same route in a few days.  He told them that he would again stop so that if they still had more things to say to him, or rocks to throw at him, they would again have a chance to do so!   With that the traveler and his companion departed.  His traveling companion was perplexed, however, as he had been the Monks traveling companion for many years he decided to remain quiet! 


After the three days had passed, the Traveling Monk  and his companion had again arrived at the place where the towns people had cursed him.  The traveling Monk yelled out to them, I am here, please come out so that you may continue to swear, curse and throw rocks at me.


The villagers were perplexed.  They began to ask each other:  Why would anyone in his right mind subject himself to the kind of treatment that they had given him.  After much deliberation and arriving at no reasonable answer, the villagers concluded that this man, this traveling Monk must be someone very special and someone that deserves their best.  


The village chief ordered all the villagers to go home and bring food and drink for the traveling Monk and his companion and rejoice with him.


All the villagers complied and was happy and asked the traveling Monk to stop by their village often and rejoice with and teach them about life.


This of course is just a story as many stories that you and I have both read.  But this one became real in my life - let me explain.


As many of you know I am a Retired Correctional Peace Officer from the State of California Department of Corrections, and you also know that some of the young people that we worked with and tried to help were harden criminals and many simple wanted no help or at least refused to except any.


During most of my time with the state I worked on sex offender units.  And, like it or not, some of those guys were quite intelligent and had an exceptional understanding of the art of persuasion.  My approach during counseling these guys was always from an intellectual standpoint.  This approached proved to be very effective.


However, during my last couple of years with the state, I worked on the Gibbs unit in Norwalk Ca.  Gibbs was considered the unit that the worst of the worst was housed.   I was immediately told that the approach that I used on Sutter, would not work on Gibbs.  These guys was tuff and after a short while I began to believe that the approach that I used in communicating with these ... Gibbs ward, was not what was needed.  I tried a somewhat different approach - but quickly realized that I was not getting through to these guys.  At Sutter, more that 90% of the assigned wards seemed to look forward to my group talks with them.  But on Gibbs, there was only about 10 or 15 guys who would even listen to what I had to say.  The others, well ... 


The real test of my style began one day when I was making my rounds to check to see how everybody was doing as I checked in for the day.  During my rounds I stop by a ward, (lets call him Ward M).  Ward M was new to the unit.  He had apparently arrived over the week end and was in the process of ... establishing himself.  As I approached his cell, he took a quick look at me and began coursing and calling me every name in the book.  What was his reason, hell, I don't know, some of those guys need no reason for doing anything ... and I mean anything.  


Any way, this continued and continued.  Each time I stopped by his cell he immediately began to curse me.  Of course I "wrote him up", but if you are in jail for a gang related murder, without any chance of getting out within the next six or seven years, as was his cans, a write up just provided him with a little extra attention. 


But his cursing was taking his toll on me.  He was literally beating me to death.  I was beginning to wonder how much longer I could stand his constant attack on me.  


Rapidly approaching my wits end, (I had tried every thing that I knew to try), I went home for the weekend and looked at retirement options.  But I am not a quitter and decided not to let anyone run me off and then it came to me.  Why not try a different approach, something absolutely radical and crazy.  That was almost always my approach during my 22 plus years with the military and things always seemed to workout in my favor.  


Monday when I returned to work I was looking forward to try out this crazy idea that had come to me over the weekend.  After checking in I immediately began making my rounds.  As I approached ward M's cell, he was ... was ready and waiting.  He immediately began cursing and shouting names at me.  I stood there for a little longer than normal and then I told ward M that I needed to check on the rest of the guys but as soon as I finish checking on them, I would return to his room so that he could continue to curse and call me names.  '


I then proceeded to check on the rest of the guys.  Upon my return to ward M's room, I noticed that he was laying on his bunk.  I politely tapped on his door.  He looked at me, got up and walked over to his door and looked closer at me and returned to his bunk.


I walked away.  Wondering what had just happen.  During the rest of that night I made my rounds about six or eight times.  Each time I stopped by ward M's room he remained quiet.


The next day when I returned to work and had checked in I began making my rounds.  As I approached ward M's room I noticed that he was standing at the door.  Hell, I through, here we go again.  But this time it was different.  Ward M yelled down the hall to all the rest of the wards on that wing.  He said, "Dowdy is coming down the hall and nobody better not "fuck with him"!  


My God. It worked.  


After that time, I devoted all of my skills at getting into the minds of these young men and weather my approach was understood by my superiors or not, I am not sure but I satisfied that during the eight years that I worked with those young men, I am confident that many of them will remember some of my teachings.






Following is a story which was written by Price Prichard, PhD, (I put it here as a reminder that we too can ... try to hard):


Here goes: I am sitting in a quiet room in the Milford Inn, a peaceful little place hidden back behind the pine trees about an hour out of Toronto.  It is pass noon, late July and I am listing to the desperate sound of a life and death struggle going on just a few feet away. There is a small fly burning out the last of it’s short life’s energy in a feudal effort to fly through the glass of the window pain - the winding wings tell the story of the fly's struggle -- TRY HARDER!   


But it is not working. The fly’s frantic efforts offer no hope for survival, ironically, the struggle is part of the trap. It is impossible for the fly to try hard enough to succeed at breaking through the glass; never-the-less, this little insect has staked its life on reaching its goal through raw effort and determination, the fly is doomed. It will die there on the window seal. Across the room ten steps away, the door is open. Three seconds of flying time and the small creature could reach the outside world it seeks. With only a fraction of the effort being wasted it could be free of it’s self imposed trap. The break through possibility is there. It would be easy, why doesn't the fly try another approach.  Something drastically different. How does it get so locked in on the idea that that particular effort offered the most promise for success!  What logic is there in continuing until death to seek a breakthrough using more of the same. No doubt this approach makes sense to the fly.  Regrettable it is an idea that is going to kill it. This story was written by Price Pritchard, PHD.


Why this story!  Trying harder isn’t necessarily the solution to achieving more.  It may not offer any real promise for giving you what you want out of life. Sometimes, in fact, it is a big part of the problem. 


One of the biggest problems in many relationships we tend to hold on two tightly.  Relationships must be fluid like water. If you hold water in the palm of your hand you can carry it over great distances, maybe even far enough to save someone's life.  If you tighten your fisk, the water will slip out.  A relationship, (especially a women), is the same.  Hold your women gently and she will be with you for life.  But like water, if you hold her to tightly she will slip away!  - Dowdy




When I was in high school, (1962-1966) I had a 1956 blue and white 4-door chevy.  It was a very clean car.  It was not very dependable.   I can remember having lots of maintenance problems with it.  I was very fortunate because my uncle Joe was a Master Mechanic and he would always stop by on the way home from work and help me keep the car running.  One day I called my Uncle Joe to tell him that I needed his help with a problem that I was having with my car.   He was apparently as he always was, or he just felt that it was time for me to become more accountable for the upkeep of my car.  Rather than just say O. K. I will stop by on my way home he said, "I will stop by on my way home but ... this time I am going to fix your mind"!   


Well, I caught part of that but I had no idea what the h--- he meant.  I thought about it for a brief two seconds and pass it off as not important.  When he arrived I was very happy.  I had a hot date that I could ill afford to miss.  Upon his arrival I could tell that he was in a hurry.  After polite greetings, he reminded me that he had stopped not to fix my car but to "fix my mind"!   Fix my mind, under my breath I said, I have no idea what the h--- you are talking about old man, but what I need right now is for you to fix my car, my date is hot and ready and anyway, you got forever to "fix my mind"!  


He told me that the mechanics of a car is very much like the mechanics of the human body in that the human body will always give you some small warning signs before it began to pain.   He said that, "In other words, you should never assume that something major is wrong with your car until you have checked out the minor problems that could gone wrong".  He went on to say that if you did not notice anything major that has happened, assumed that there is only a minor problem and proceed to try and locate that problem.  


Prior to departing for home, he said here is what I want you to do:

<> 1)  First, sit down for a moment and think through what could have gone wrong just prior to the problem

<> 2)  Second, retrace your steps and recheck and repairs the repairs that you have already done to point

<> 3)  Third, fix the problem

<> 4)  Forth, regarding your date, I hope that I haven't added to the deliquency of two minors


My uncle then said, "If you will always looks at things in this manner, no matter what area of your life they fall in, you will more than likely always be able to "Fix" your own problems!


It was within ten minutes ofter my uncles departure that I had my car running like a charm.


It has been more than 45 years since I had this experience with my uncle and I can honestly say that it was one of the most important "Pevital" moments in my life.  


17 MILE MARCH 1972


In 1972, after the completion of a training exercise, on the training grounds of West Ft Hood Texas our Battalion Commander decided that he would ... "Impress his bosses by conducting a 17 mile force road march, (after weeks of extensive training), after weeks of training.  What a dumb ass I through to myself.  I had suggested that we use helicopters and conduct a massive jump into the heart of Ft Hood.  That did not go over very well. I did not understand that I should have figured out a way to make the commander think that he had through of that idea!  you know ... Young Dumb LT! Anyway,  "the Colonel", would not hear of that.  


Just prayer to the start of the 17 mile march I decided to recheck my troops, about 240 men, (acting company commander).  They look good and prepared.  The Commander gave the word and we were off to the races.  About an hour or so into the march I noticed how happy my troops were.  I became some suspicious when I saw how much sweat that they were showing.  I through that it was to early for that.  


I couldn't understand it but, what the hell, I assumed that they were happy to be going home even through there was a 17 mile walk staring them in the face.  As this situation continued, I decided to inspect a few of their canteens.  I am an old country boy and it is not easy to get much pass me.  Just as I suspected, ... there was beer in many of the canteens, passing as water.  


Some of the troops were starting to lag behind.  I continued to walk back and forth to try and keep the troops in formation.  Didn't want the colonel to know that I had missed the beer during my last equipment check. Who in the hell would have through to taste the water.   So I continued to walk, back and forth to try and get them to keep up.  Not considering the fact that what I was really doing was walking almost three times as much as anyone else, (back and forth for 17 miles)!  


The results was that I had to work like hell, walking back and forth trying to keep the troops in formation.  Anyway we finally arrived at Ft Hood and was standing in formation, (ready for the Commanding General's inspection of the troops)!  I was dam near dead.  A 17 mile walk after several weeks of day and night training as the Officer in Charge of the company was draining enough, buy another 17 miles of back and forth walking (which was really another 34 miles), trying to keep the formation looking good was more than my body could handle.  So ... I fainted!   But .... no one ever knew. My trusted and very caring 1SG NCOIC (Non Commission Officer In Charge), was standing behind me with his left hand out holding me in an upright position.  As a young LT, this was a "Defining Moment" in my military caree.   It became clear to me that ... people care far less about how much you know and far more about how much you care!  Hey ISG Mac I love you!  Dowdy!


THE MISSING M16 - 1972 - During a Divisional training mission (Fort Hood Texas, Gallahan 1972)


Again in 1972 while still serving at FT Hood Texas, in the First Calvary Division.  We were preparing for a long training exercise.  My company commanders wife apparently got ill and my Captain was allowed to miss this training mission to stay home with her. As the next senior officer, I was placed in charge of the company, (approximately 240 soldiers).  


Our mission assignment required that we move by foot approximately 20 miles and establish defensive positions.  Our designated route required that we cross what had always been a very shallow stream.  However, days prior to our departure there was a major storm and the shallow river had became a very, very deep and dangerous water crossing.  You do what you gotta do.  After our crossing, I ordered a personnel and equipment count.  All of the troops had made the crossing safely.  What a relief!  


BUT, there was one problem.  My NCOIC (Non Commission Officer In Charge, informed me that one of the troops had lost his M16 Rifle during the River crossing.  I had not been in the army more that 18 months but long enough to know that if you loose a weapon doing training or otherwise, you will never ever get promoted to Captain.  My troops ... they all knew that also.  


As I was standing by the edge of the river, hurting silently, three of my young soldiers began removing their gear.  I asked them what they were doing.  They each said almost at the same time that if we lost that M16 your ass will be in deep trouble.  As the river continued to rage I ask them if they could swim.  One said, yes I swim OK.  Another said, not bad.  The third said, NO!  Not at all but I have become accustomed to having you around and I intend to do all that I can to keep you around.  I stopped him from getting in the water but several other soldiers jumped in, they found the M16),  This was another "Defining Moment" in my military life.   It became clear to me that ... people care less about how much you know and more about how much you care!  "the Colonel"





This is a formula that my son and I developed in 2001.  It was doing a time when I was expriencing some difficult times.  We were on our last straw and the only thing that stood between me and bankruptcy was a Flat-Tire!  Our formula reads as follows: 


For every 60 minutes that I work for any employer for any reason I would also work at least 6 minutes for myself and my family, so help me GOD! This was my promise to me!


What it really means is that for every 60 minutes I work for anyone in a wage earning capacity, (for which I receive a W-2 ), I would also work at least six minutes for myself and my family in an effort to build a better future.  This equated to about 4 hours  per week.  During that time I exercised, read books, attended seminars, started and operated a home base business and purchased several houses, (one of which provide the money that payed for my son's University Degree). I attribute most if not all of my success since that time to that formula.


This formula has since become a strong habit for me and I believe it to be the most important habit I have ever develop!  The reason why I call it Dowdynson's Success Formula 66 is because my son, (11 years old at that time) was a major factor in the process and he had to agreed to certain things that allowed me to do what I had to do!   He stuck to his part of the agreement. 


M y son's part of the agreement was to be the best kid and best student that he could be so that I could concentrate on my part of the formula.


It was somewhat like the Family Success Plan that Dr. Steven Covey talks about.  Dr. Covey also mentions something about this process in his ... "First Things First" and his "Things That Matters Most" writings!  


"The  threads of habits are to thin to be noticed until they are to strong to be broken" - Unknown





If you read our story you may recall in 2001 my son and I developed a formula that we called Success Formula 66.  As you recall, it was my agreement to work at least 6 minutes for myself and my family for each 60 minutes that I worked for any employer for which I received a Form W-2.  My son also agreed to be the best kid that he could and be the best student that he could be.  In turned this was so that I could spend the agreed upon time trying to find ways to help change our dismal financial situation.  Needless to say, I credit that formula for our financial success.


The reason why I mention this here is because, recently I came across a formula that was developed by Brain Tracy.  If you don't know who brian Tracy is I will just tell you that Brian Tracy has written more books and pamplets and developed more training tapes than anyone in the world.  he is credited for publishing something every week for the last .... 40 years.  


His formula, E vs E (Entertainment vs Education), he says was developed as a result of information that he has learn from presenting seminars and talking with attendees over the last 40 years.  


E vs E states that for every 50 hours people in general spend entertaining themselves, they spend one hour educating themselves.  Did you get that?  That's almost impossible to believe until you hear Brian go through the numbers.  As a simple example lets go through a normal 24 hour day of the average American. 


The average American wakes up about 6:00 am.  Turns on the radio or TV while having a cup of coffee, entertainment.   Gets into his/car, turns on the radio, entertainment, drives for 40 to 90 minutes to get to work.  Walks into the office, gets another cup of coffee, maybe turn on the radio and shortly after began greeting his/her fellow employees at the water fountion, entertainment.  


I can remember when I graduated from college.  I along with everyone in the graduating class, immediately after the end of the ceremony, threw our hats into the air.  This is one of those traditions, that needs to be forgotten.  Far me that marked the end of my studies.  What a sad mistake.  Brain Tracy says that what ever got you to where you are in life will get you no further.  What I have since learned is that we must keep learning in order to keep growing.  We cannot expect to float up stream.  We can only float down stream.  Trying to float up stream will get you ran over by everyone else.  


If you are interested in some good growth reading, go by the library or your local book store and read anything that you can find that was authored by Brian Tracy




A lobster, when left high and dry among the rocks has no instinct or energy enough to work his way back to the sea, but waits for the sea to come to him.  If it does not come, he remains where he is and dies ..., ALTHOUGH the slightest effort would enable him to reach the waves, which is always within a few feet of him. - Orison Sweat Martin


THE WORLD IS FULL OF HUMAN LOBSTERS:  People stranded on the rocks of indecision and procrastination, who, instead of putting forth their own energies, are waiting for some grand billow of good fortune to set them afloat!  


Whatever you do ... don't be a human lobster!  Dowdy




I was walking down life’s highway a long time ago, One day I saw a sign that read Heaven’s grocery Store. As I got a little closer the door came open wide And when I came to myself I was standing inside I saw a host of angels, they were standing everywhere One handed me a basket and said: “shop with care” Everything a Christian needs was in that grocery store And all you couldn’t carry then you could come back for more. First I got some PATIENCE, LOVE was in the same row Further down as was UNDERSTANDING: you need it everywhere you go. I got a box or two of WISDOM, a bag or two of FAITH I just couldn’t miss the HOLY GHOST, for it’s all over the place


I stopped to get some STRENGTH and COURAGE to help me run this race By then my basket was getting full, I remembered I needed some GRACE I didn’t forget SALVATION, for SALVATION was free So I tried to get enough to save both you and me Then I headed to the counter to pay my grocery bill For I thought I had everything to do the Master’s will. As I went up the aisle, I saw PRAYER: and I just had to put had to put that in For I knew when I stepped outside I would run into sin


PEACE and JOY were plentiful; there on the last shelf SONG and PRAISE were hanging near, so I just helped myself. Then I said to the angel: “Now, how much do I owe?” He smiled and said : “just take them everywhere you go”. Again I smiled and said: “How much do I really owe?” He smiled again and said: Dear Child, Jesus paid your bill a long time ago.”“All things whatsoever you shell ask in prayer, believing in you shell receive”. (Matthew 21:22)




When I  was a kid the television was a new thing to many of the families living in the small country town of Virginia where I grew up.  Watching television was a big thing!  We didn't have a TV until a few years after they had found their way to our town.  However, my uncle Joe had been one of the more fortunate families in the neighborhood and had purchased a TV early on.  One day, of many as I recall, my sister and me were watching TV at my uncles home and a show called TARZAN OF THE APES came on.   During the opening scenes TARZAN was setting in the back seat of a small plane looking out over the jungles of Africa.  The scene as seen through TARZAN'S eyes was frightening indeed.  There were miles and miles of dense jungle which appeared so thick that it would be impossible for anyone to crawl through it.  Yet as the plane got closer and closer and finally landed, and as the jungle got closer and closer it became clear that there was clearly walking room and the jungle was far less of a problem to move through than it had orgionaly appeared.  It was at that moment that something hit me and appeared to have said, "that is the way everything in life will be", all you need to do was to look at it closer and closer and study it more and more). 


 Remember, I was only a 9 or 10 year old country boy at the time and I had NOT been more that a few miles from home in my life. 



<> <> When I  was a kid the television was a new thing to many of the families living in the small country town of Virginia where I grew up.  Watching television was a big thing!  We didn't have a TV until a few years after they had found their way to our town.  However, my uncle had been one of the more fortunate families in the neighborhood and had purchased a TV early on.  One day, of many as I recall, my sister and me were watching TV at my uncles home and a show called TARZAN OF THE APES came on.   


During the opening scenes TARZAN was setting in the back seat of a small plane looking out over the jungles of Africa.  The scene as seen through TARZAN'S eyes was frightening indeed.  There were miles and miles of dense jungle which appeared so thick that it would be impossible for anyone to crawl in it.  


When the plan finally landed, Tarzan and a few of the other guest began walking into the jungle, as they walked and walked, a path seemed to continually open up.  And all of a sudden, something hit me.  Maybe that is the way life is.  My point:  Do not be afraid of anything until you are sure that you need to be afraid.  Most of the time, things will become clearer and clearer as you get closer to it.  Study it, it will clear up for you.


Remember, I was only a 9 or 10 year old country boy at the time and I had NOT been more that a few miles from home.  This little situation has always remained with me.




Many years ago I was surfing the TV and came across a movie, as I remember, it's title was "The greatest Power is Love".  It was about this guy, (who was a vampire), who of course needed human blood about every few days in order to survive.  Doing one of his nights out, (looking for blood), he came across a beautiful woman.  As they each gazed into the others eyes, they both immediately fell in love.  Dracular, because of his love for her, almost as quickly, ran away.  But the face of this beautiful lady stayed with him as his with her.   In an attempt to ... just see her again, he was cornered by her.  As he again attempted to get away, (remember, Dracular had to have human blood in order to survive), but his love for her would not allow him to take her life.  


As he scrambled to get away she said, please take me with you, I know who you are and where you must go, I have seen it in your eyes.  She said, "to be with you I will even except death"!  After much haggle, he finally excepted her ... love offering and took her with him!  


This story caused / produced a unique moment in my life.   I have always since believed in ... "The Power of Love" - what a crazy story!  Just another of those defining moment in my life.  


PS:  I never gave this story much through after that until ... the day I met my present wife.  It was very clear to me that I fell in love with her the first day that I met her.  She's my soulmate.  In fact, she is a major factor in the why behind this undertaking! 





There was a Monk, who lived long, long ago in China. Many looked upon him as a great man, a wise man, some even looked upon him as a God, but a few looked upon him as a fool ... !  This is not the story, the story is how he looked upon himself!  The story goes that he was traveling with a companion, by foot, this was many years ago.  He was on a mission to teach and educate people everywhere he went.  The traveling Monk and his companion would stop at the gates of every city along his route and he would began to preach and teach.  Because he was a well known religious speaker, many people of the villages, upon hearing that he was at their gates would come out to wish him well and to feed him and provide him with food and water to support him on his travels.  


The story goes that as he arrived at one of the stopping points along his route, there were a group of people from this particular village who came to chastise and curse him. They swore, cursed and even threw rocks at him.  They called him dirty names, even called him a fake!  This continued for several hours.  After the allotted stopping time the traveling Monk announced that he must depart in order to remain on schedule. 


However, he informed those people who were swearing and cursing at him that he would be returning along this same route in a few days.  He told them that he would again stop so that if they still had more things to say to him, or rocks to throw at him, they would again have a chance to do so!   With that the traveler and his companion departed.  His traveling companion was perplexed, however, as he had been the Monks traveling companion for many years he decided to remain quiet! 


After the three days had passed, the Traveling Monk  and his companion had again arrived at the place where the towns people had cursed him.  The traveling Monk yelled out to them, I am here, please come out so that you may continue to swear, curse and throw rocks at me.


The villagers were perplexed.  They began to ask each other:  Why would anyone in his right mind subject himself to the kind of treatment that they had given him.  After much deliberation and arriving at no reasonable answer, the villagers concluded that this man, this traveling Monk must be someone very special and someone that deserves their best.  


The village chief ordered all the villagers to go home and bring food and drink for the traveling Monk and his companion and rejoice with him.


All the villagers complied and was happy and asked the traveling Monk to stop by their village often and rejoice with and teach them about life.


This of course is just a story as many stories that you and I have both read.  But this one became real in my life - let me explain.


As many of you know I am a Retired Correctional Peace Officer from the State of California Department of Corrections, and you also know that some of the young people that we worked with and tried to help were harden criminals and many simple wanted no help or at least refused to except any.


During most of my time with the state I worked on sex offender units.  And, like it or not, some of those guys were quite intelligent and had an exceptional understanding of the art of persuasion.  My approach during counseling these guys was always from an intellectual standpoint.  This approached proved to be very effective.


However, during my last couple of years with the state, I worked on the Gibbs unit in Norwalk Ca.  Gibbs was considered the unit that the worst of the worst was housed.   I was immediately told that the approach that I used on Sutter, would not work on Gibbs.  These guys was tuff and after a short while I began to believe that the approach that I used in communicating with these ... Gibbs ward, was not what was needed.  I tried a somewhat different approach - but quickly realized that I was not getting through to these guys.  At Sutter, more that 90% of the assigned wards seemed to look forward to my group talks with them.  But on Gibbs, there was only about 10 or 15 guys who would even listen to what I had to say.  The others, well ... 


The real test of my style began one day when I was making my rounds to check to see how everybody was doing as I checked in for the day.  During my rounds I stop by a ward, (lets call him Ward M).  Ward M was new to the unit.  He had apparently arrived over the week end and was in the process of ... establishing himself.  As I approached his cell, he took a quick look at me and began coursing and calling me every name in the book.  What was his reason, hell, I don't know, some of those guys need no reason for doing anything ... and I mean anything.  


Any way, this continued and continued.  Each time I stopped by his cell he immediately began to curse me.  Of course I "wrote him up", but if you are in jail for a gang related murder, without any chance of getting out within the next six or seven years, as was his cans, a write up just provided him with a little extra attention. 


But his cursing was taking his toll on me.  He was literally beating me to death.  I was beginning to wonder how much longer I could stand his constant attack on me.  


Rapidly approaching my wits end, (I had tried every thing that I knew to try), I went home for the weekend and looked at retirement options.  But I am not a quitter and decided not to let anyone run me off and then it came to me.  Why not try a different approach, something absolutely radical and crazy.  That was almost always my approach during my 22 plus years with the military and things always seemed to workout in my favor.  


Monday when I returned to work I was looking forward to try out this crazy idea that had come to me over the weekend.  After checking in I immediately began making my rounds.  As I approached ward M's cell, he was ... was ready and waiting.  He immediately began cursing and shouting names at me.  I stood there for a little longer than normal and then I told ward M that I needed to check on the rest of the guys but as soon as I finish checking on them, I would return to his room so that he could continue to curse and call me names. 


I then proceeded to check on the rest of the guys.  Upon my return to ward M's room, I noticed that he was laying on his bunk.  I politely tapped on his door.  He looked at me, got up and walked over to his door and looked closer at me and returned to his bunk.


I walked away.  Wondering what had just happen.  During the rest of that night I made my rounds about six or eight times.  Each time I stopped by ward M's room he remained quiet.


The next day when I returned to work and had checked in I began making my rounds.  As I approached ward M's room I noticed that he was standing at the door.  Hell, I through, here we go again.  But this time it was different.  Ward M yelled down the hall to all the rest of the wards on that wing.  He said, "Dowdy is coming down the hall and nobody better not "fuck with him"!  


My God. It worked.  


After that time, I devoted all of my skills at getting into the minds of these young men and weather my approach was understood by my superiors or not, I am not sure but I am personally satisfied that during the eight years that I worked with those young men, many of them will remember some of my teachings for many years to come.  May God bless them all ... and YOU!  Dowdy


PS:  If you enjoyed this story ... we ask that you ... Pass-it-on"! 




We all love you Uncle Joe!  Dowdy


The Pastor's Son  


Every Sunday afternoon, after the morning service at the church, the Pastor and his eleven year old son would go out into their town and hand out Gospel Tracts. 


This particular Sunday afternoon, as it came time for the Pastor and his son to go to the streets with their tracts, it was very cold  outside, as well as pouring rain. 


The boy bundled up in his warmest and driest clothes and said, 'OK, dad, I'm ready.' 


His Pastor dad asked, 'Ready for what?'  


'Dad, it's time we gather our tracts together and go out.' 


Dad responds, 'Son, it's very cold outside and it's pouring rain.' 


The boy gives his dad a  surprised look, asking, 'But Dad, aren't people still going to Hell, even though it's raining?' 


Dad answers, 'Son, I am not going out in this weather.'  


Despondently, the boy asks, 'Dad, can I go?  Please?'  


His father hesitated for a moment then said, 'Son, you can go.  Here are the tracts, be careful son..'


'Thanks Dad!' 


And with that, he was off and out into the rain.  This eleven year old boy walked the streets of the town going door to door and handing everybody he met in the street a Gospel Tract .  


After two hours of walking in the rain, he was soaking, bone-chilled wet and down to his VERY LAST TRACT.  He stopped on a corner and looked for someone to hand a tract to, but the streets were totally deserted.  


Then he turned toward the first home he saw and started up the sidewalk to the front door and rang the doorbell.  He rang the bell, but nobody answered. 


He rang it again and again, but still no one answered.  He  waited but still no answer. 


Finally, this eleven year old trooper turned to leave, but something stopped him.  


Again, he turned to the door and rang the bell and knocked loudly on the door with his fist.  He waited, something holding him there on the front porch! 


He rang again and this time the door slowly opened.  


Standing in the doorway was a very sad-looking  elderly lady. She softly asked, 'What can I do for you,  son?' With radiant eyes and a smile that lit up her world,  this little boy said, 'Ma'am, I'm sorry if I disturbed you, but I just want to tell you that * JESUS REALLY DOES LOVE  YOU * and I came to give you my very last Gospel Tract which will tell you all about JESUS and His great LOVE.'  


With that, he handed her his last tract and turned to leave. 


She called to him as he departed.  'Thank  you, son!  And God Bless You!' 


Well, the following Sunday morning in church Pastor Dad was in the pulpit.  As the service began, he asked, 'Does anybody have testimony or want to say anything?' 


Slowly, in the back row of the church, an elderly lady stood to her feet. 


As she began to speak, a look of glorious radiance came from her face, 'No one in this church knows me.  I've never been here before.  You see, before last Sunday I was not a Christian.  My husband passed on some time ago, leaving me totally alone in this world.  Last Sunday, being a particularly cold and rainy day, it was even more so in my heart that I came to the end of the line where I no longer had any hope or will to live. 


So I took a rope and a chair and ascended the stairway into the attic of my home.  I fastened the rope securely to a rafter in the roof, then stood on the chair and fastened the other end of the rope around my neck.  Standing on that chair, so lonely and broken-hearted I was about to leap off, when suddenly the loud ringing of my doorbell downstairs startled me.  I thought, 'I'll wait a minute, and whoever it is will go away.' 


I waited and waited, but the ringing doorbell seemed to get louder and more insistent, and then the person ringing also started knocking loudly... 


I thought to myself again, 'Who on earth could this be?  Nobody ever rings my bell or comes to see me.'  I loosened the rope from my neck and started for the front door, all the while the bell rang louder and louder. 


When I opened the door and looked I could hardly believe my eyes, for there on my front porch was the most radiant and angelic little boy I had ever  seen in my life.  His SMILE, oh, I could never describe it to you! 


The words that came from his mouth caused my heart that had long been dead, TO LEAP TO LIFE as he exclaimed with a cherub-like voice, 'Ma'am, I just came to tell you that JESUS REALLY DOES LOVE YOU.'  Then he gave me this Gospel Tract that I now hold in my hand. 


As the little angel disappeared back out into the cold and rain, I closed my door and read slowly every word of this Gospel Tract.  Then I went up to my attic to get my rope and chair.  I wouldn't be needing them anymore. 


You see, I am now a Happy Child of the KING.  Since the address of your church was on the back of this Gospel Tract, I have come here to personally say THANK YOU to God's little angel who came just in the nick of time and by so doing,  spared my soul from an eternity in hell..' 


There was  not a dry eye in the church.  And as shouts of praise and honor to THE KING resounded off the very rafters of the building, Pastor Dad descended from the pulpit to the front pew where the little angel was seated.... 


He took his son in his arms and sobbed uncontrollably.  


Probably no church has had a more glorious moment,  and probably this universe has never seen a Papa that was more filled with love & honor for his son.... Except for  One. 


Blessed are your eyes for reading this message.  


Don 't let this message die, read it again and pass it to others.  Heaven is for His people! 

Remember, God's message CAN make the difference in the life of someone close to you. 

Please share this wonderful message...  


If you love JESUS, please forward this message.  

Spread His word, and share His goodness and  faithfulness. 


Matthew  10:32 says: 

'Whoever acknowledges Me before men, I will acknowledge him before My Father in heaven.  But whoever disowns Me before men, I will disown him before My Father in heaven. '









The Pastor's Son  


Every Sunday afternoon, after the morning service at the church, the Pastor and his eleven year old son would go out into their town and hand out Gospel Tracts. 


This particular Sunday afternoon, as it came time for the Pastor and his son to go to the streets with their tracts, it was very cold  outside, as well as pouring rain. 


The boy bundled up in his warmest and driest clothes and said, 'OK, dad, I'm ready.' 


His Pastor dad asked, 'Ready for what?'  


'Dad, it's time we gather our tracts together and go out.' 


Dad responds, 'Son, it's very cold outside and it's pouring rain.' 


The boy gives his dad a  surprised look, asking, 'But Dad, aren't people still going to Hell, even though it's raining?' 


Dad answers, 'Son, I am not going out in this weather.'  


Despondently, the boy asks, 'Dad, can I go?  Please?'  


His father hesitated for a moment then said, 'Son, you can go.  Here are the tracts, be careful son..'


'Thanks Dad!' 


And with that, he was off and out into the rain.  This eleven year old boy walked the streets of the town going door to door and handing everybody he met in the street a Gospel Tract .  


After two hours of walking in the rain, he was soaking, bone-chilled wet and down to his VERY LAST TRACT.  He stopped on a corner and looked for someone to hand a tract to, but the streets were totally deserted.  


Then he turned toward the first home he saw and started up the sidewalk to the front door and rang the doorbell.  He rang the bell, but nobody answered. 


He rang it again and again, but still no one answered.  He  waited but still no answer. 


Finally, this eleven year old trooper turned to leave, but something stopped him.  


Again, he turned to the door and rang the bell and knocked loudly on the door with his fist.  He waited, something holding him there on the front porch! 


He rang again and this time the door slowly opened.  


Standing in the doorway was a very sad-looking  elderly lady. She softly asked, 'What can I do for you,  son?' With radiant eyes and a smile that lit up her world,  this little boy said, 'Ma'am, I'm sorry if I disturbed you, but I just want to tell you that * JESUS REALLY DOES LOVE  YOU * and I came to give you my very last Gospel Tract which will tell you all about JESUS and His great LOVE.'  


With that, he handed her his last tract and turned to leave. 


She called to him as he departed.  'Thank  you, son!  And God Bless You!' 


Well, the following Sunday morning in church Pastor Dad was in the pulpit.  As the service began, he asked, 'Does anybody have testimony or want to say anything?' 


Slowly, in the back row of the church, an elderly lady stood to her feet. 


As she began to speak, a look of glorious radiance came from her face, 'No one in this church knows me.  I've never been here before.  You see, before last Sunday I was not a Christian.  My husband passed on some time ago, leaving me totally alone in this world.  Last Sunday, being a particularly cold and rainy day, it was even more so in my heart that I came to the end of the line where I no longer had any hope or will to live. 


So I took a rope and a chair and ascended the stairway into the attic of my home.  I fastened the rope securely to a rafter in the roof, then stood on the chair and fastened the other end of the rope around my neck.  Standing on that chair, so lonely and broken-hearted I was about to leap off, when suddenly the loud ringing of my doorbell downstairs startled me.  I thought, 'I'll wait a minute, and whoever it is will go away.' 


I waited and waited, but the ringing doorbell seemed to get louder and more insistent, and then the person ringing also started knocking loudly... 


I thought to myself again, 'Who on earth could this be?  Nobody ever rings my bell or comes to see me.'  I loosened the rope from my neck and started for the front door, all the while the bell rang louder and louder. 


When I opened the door and looked I could hardly believe my eyes, for there on my front porch was the most radiant and angelic little boy I had ever  seen in my life.  His SMILE, oh, I could never describe it to you! 


The words that came from his mouth caused my heart that had long been dead, TO LEAP TO LIFE as he exclaimed with a cherub-like voice, 'Ma'am, I just came to tell you that JESUS REALLY DOES LOVE YOU.'  Then he gave me this Gospel Tract that I now hold in my hand. 


As the little angel disappeared back out into the cold and rain, I closed my door and read slowly every word of this Gospel Tract.  Then I went up to my attic to get my rope and chair.  I wouldn't be needing them anymore. 


You see, I am now a Happy Child of the KING.  Since the address of your church was on the back of this Gospel Tract, I have come here to personally say THANK YOU to God's little angel who came just in the nick of time and by so doing,  spared my soul from an eternity in hell..' 


There was  not a dry eye in the church.  And as shouts of praise and honor to THE KING resounded off the very rafters of the building, Pastor Dad descended from the pulpit to the front pew where the little angel was seated.... 


He took his son in his arms and sobbed uncontrollably.  


Probably no church has had a more glorious moment,  and probably this universe has never seen a Papa that was more filled with love & honor for his son.... Except for  One. 


Blessed are your eyes for reading this message.  


Don 't let this message die, read it again and pass it to others.  Heaven is for His people! 

Remember, God's message CAN make the difference in the life of someone close to you. 

Please share this wonderful message...  


If you love JESUS, please forward this message.  

Spread His word, and share His goodness and  faithfulness. 


Matthew  10:32 says: 

'Whoever acknowledges Me before men, I will acknowledge him before My Father in heaven.  But whoever disowns Me before men, I will disown him before My Father in heaven. '

The Pastor's Son  


Every Sunday afternoon, after the morning service at the church, the Pastor and his eleven year old son would go out into their town and hand out Gospel Tracts. 


This particular Sunday afternoon, as it came time for the Pastor and his son to go to the streets with their tracts, it was very cold  outside, as well as pouring rain. 


The boy bundled up in his warmest and driest clothes and said, 'OK, dad, I'm ready.' 


His Pastor dad asked, 'Ready for what?'  


'Dad, it's time we gather our tracts together and go out.' 


Dad responds, 'Son, it's very cold outside and it's pouring rain.' 


The boy gives his dad a  surprised look, asking, 'But Dad, aren't people still going to Hell, even though it's raining?' 


Dad answers, 'Son, I am not going out in this weather.'  


Despondently, the boy asks, 'Dad, can I go?  Please?'  


His father hesitated for a moment then said, 'Son, you can go.  Here are the tracts, be careful son..'


'Thanks Dad!' 


And with that, he was off and out into the rain.  This eleven year old boy walked the streets of the town going door to door and handing everybody he met in the street a Gospel Tract .  


After two hours of walking in the rain, he was soaking, bone-chilled wet and down to his VERY LAST TRACT.  He stopped on a corner and looked for someone to hand a tract to, but the streets were totally deserted.  


Then he turned toward the first home he saw and started up the sidewalk to the front door and rang the doorbell.  He rang the bell, but nobody answered. 


He rang it again and again, but still no one answered.  He  waited but still no answer. 


Finally, this eleven year old trooper turned to leave, but something stopped him.  


Again, he turned to the door and rang the bell and knocked loudly on the door with his fist.  He waited, something holding him there on the front porch! 


He rang again and this time the door slowly opened.  


Standing in the doorway was a very sad-looking  elderly lady. She softly asked, 'What can I do for you,  son?' With radiant eyes and a smile that lit up her world,  this little boy said, 'Ma'am, I'm sorry if I disturbed you, but I just want to tell you that * JESUS REALLY DOES LOVE  YOU * and I came to give you my very last Gospel Tract which will tell you all about JESUS and His great LOVE.'  


With that, he handed her his last tract and turned to leave. 


She called to him as he departed.  'Thank  you, son!  And God Bless You!' 


Well, the following Sunday morning in church Pastor Dad was in the pulpit.  As the service began, he asked, 'Does anybody have testimony or want to say anything?' 


Slowly, in the back row of the church, an elderly lady stood to her feet. 


As she began to speak, a look of glorious radiance came from her face, 'No one in this church knows me.  I've never been here before.  You see, before last Sunday I was not a Christian.  My husband passed on some time ago, leaving me totally alone in this world.  Last Sunday, being a particularly cold and rainy day, it was even more so in my heart that I came to the end of the line where I no longer had any hope or will to live. 


So I took a rope and a chair and ascended the stairway into the attic of my home.  I fastened the rope securely to a rafter in the roof, then stood on the chair and fastened the other end of the rope around my neck.  Standing on that chair, so lonely and broken-hearted I was about to leap off, when suddenly the loud ringing of my doorbell downstairs startled me.  I thought, 'I'll wait a minute, and whoever it is will go away.' 


I waited and waited, but the ringing doorbell seemed to get louder and more insistent, and then the person ringing also started knocking loudly... 


I thought to myself again, 'Who on earth could this be?  Nobody ever rings my bell or comes to see me.'  I loosened the rope from my neck and started for the front door, all the while the bell rang louder and louder. 


When I opened the door and looked I could hardly believe my eyes, for there on my front porch was the most radiant and angelic little boy I had ever  seen in my life.  His SMILE, oh, I could never describe it to you! 


The words that came from his mouth caused my heart that had long been dead, TO LEAP TO LIFE as he exclaimed with a cherub-like voice, 'Ma'am, I just came to tell you that JESUS REALLY DOES LOVE YOU.'  Then he gave me this Gospel Tract that I now hold in my hand. 


As the little angel disappeared back out into the cold and rain, I closed my door and read slowly every word of this Gospel Tract.  Then I went up to my attic to get my rope and chair.  I wouldn't be needing them anymore. 


You see, I am now a Happy Child of the KING.  Since the address of your church was on the back of this Gospel Tract, I have come here to personally say THANK YOU to God's little angel who came just in the nick of time and by so doing,  spared my soul from an eternity in hell..' 


There was  not a dry eye in the church.  And as shouts of praise and honor to THE KING resounded off the very rafters of the building, Pastor Dad descended from the pulpit to the front pew where the little angel was seated.... 


He took his son in his arms and sobbed uncontrollably.  


Probably no church has had a more glorious moment,  and probably this universe has never seen a Papa that was more filled with love & honor for his son.... Except for  One. 


Blessed are your eyes for reading this message.  


Don 't let this message die, read it again and pass it to others.  Heaven is for His people! 

Remember, God's message CAN make the difference in the life of someone close to you. 

Please share this wonderful message...  


If you love JESUS, please forward this message.  

Spread His word, and share His goodness and  faithfulness. 


Matthew  10:32 says: 

'Whoever acknowledges Me before men, I will acknowledge him before My Father in heaven.  But whoever disowns Me before men, I will disown him before My Father in heaven. '






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DeAnn <deannpike@aol.com>




The Pastor's Son


Fri, 5 Apr 2013 08:56:00 -0400 (EDT)

Get a tissue





The Pastor's Son  


Every Sunday afternoon, after the morning service at the church, the Pastor and his eleven year old son would go out into their town and hand out Gospel Tracts. 


This particular Sunday afternoon, as it came time for the Pastor and his son to go to the streets with their tracts, it was very cold  outside, as well as pouring rain. 


The boy bundled up in his warmest and driest clothes and said, 'OK, dad, I'm ready.' 


His Pastor dad asked, 'Ready for what?'  


'Dad, it's time we gather our tracts together and go out.' 


Dad responds, 'Son, it's very cold outside and it's pouring rain.' 


The boy gives his dad a  surprised look, asking, 'But Dad, aren't people still going to Hell, even though it's raining?' 


Dad answers, 'Son, I am not going out in this weather.'  


Despondently, the boy asks, 'Dad, can I go?  Please?'  


His father hesitated for a moment then said, 'Son, you can go.  Here are the tracts, be careful son..'


'Thanks Dad!' 


And with that, he was off and out into the rain.  This eleven year old boy walked the streets of the town going door to door and handing everybody he met in the street a Gospel Tract .  


After two hours of walking in the rain, he was soaking, bone-chilled wet and down to his VERY LAST TRACT.  He stopped on a corner and looked for someone to hand a tract to, but the streets were totally deserted.  


Then he turned toward the first home he saw and started up the sidewalk to the front door and rang the doorbell.  He rang the bell, but nobody answered. 


He rang it again and again, but still no one answered.  He  waited but still no answer. 


Finally, this eleven year old trooper turned to leave, but something stopped him.  


Again, he turned to the door and rang the bell and knocked loudly on the door with his fist.  He waited, something holding him there on the front porch! 


He rang again and this time the door slowly opened.  


Standing in the doorway was a very sad-looking  elderly lady. She softly asked, 'What can I do for you,  son?' With radiant eyes and a smile that lit up her world,  this little boy said, 'Ma'am, I'm sorry if I disturbed you, but I just want to tell you that * JESUS REALLY DOES LOVE  YOU * and I came to give you my very last Gospel Tract which will tell you all about JESUS and His great LOVE.'  


With that, he handed her his last tract and turned to leave. 


She called to him as he departed.  'Thank  you, son!  And God Bless You!' 


Well, the following Sunday morning in church Pastor Dad was in the pulpit.  As the service began, he asked, 'Does anybody have testimony or want to say anything?' 


Slowly, in the back row of the church, an elderly lady stood to her feet. 


As she began to speak, a look of glorious radiance came from her face, 'No one in this church knows me.  I've never been here before.  You see, before last Sunday I was not a Christian.  My husband passed on some time ago, leaving me totally alone in this world.  Last Sunday, being a particularly cold and rainy day, it was even more so in my heart that I came to the end of the line where I no longer had any hope or will to live. 


So I took a rope and a chair and ascended the stairway into the attic of my home.  I fastened the rope securely to a rafter in the roof, then stood on the chair and fastened the other end of the rope around my neck.  Standing on that chair, so lonely and broken-hearted I was about to leap off, when suddenly the loud ringing of my doorbell downstairs startled me.  I thought, 'I'll wait a minute, and whoever it is will go away.' 


I waited and waited, but the ringing doorbell seemed to get louder and more insistent, and then the person ringing also started knocking loudly... 


I thought to myself again, 'Who on earth could this be?  Nobody ever rings my bell or comes to see me.'  I loosened the rope from my neck and started for the front door, all the while the bell rang louder and louder. 


When I opened the door and looked I could hardly believe my eyes, for there on my front porch was the most radiant and angelic little boy I had ever  seen in my life.  His SMILE, oh, I could never describe it to you! 


The words that came from his mouth caused my heart that had long been dead, TO LEAP TO LIFE as he exclaimed with a cherub-like voice, 'Ma'am, I just came to tell you that JESUS REALLY DOES LOVE YOU.'  Then he gave me this Gospel Tract that I now hold in my hand. 


As the little angel disappeared back out into the cold and rain, I closed my door and read slowly every word of this Gospel Tract.  Then I went up to my attic to get my rope and chair.  I wouldn't be needing them anymore. 


You see, I am now a Happy Child of the KING.  Since the address of your church was on the back of this Gospel Tract, I have come here to personally say THANK YOU to God's little angel who came just in the nick of time and by so doing,  spared my soul from an eternity in hell..' 


There was  not a dry eye in the church.  And as shouts of praise and honor to THE KING resounded off the very rafters of the building, Pastor Dad descended from the pulpit to the front pew where the little angel was seated.... 


He took his son in his arms and sobbed uncontrollably.  


Probably no church has had a more glorious moment,  and probably this universe has never seen a Papa that was more filled with love & honor for his son.... Except for  One. 


Blessed are your eyes for reading this message.  


Don 't let this message die, read it again and pass it to others.  Heaven is for His people! 

Remember, God's message CAN make the difference in the life of someone close to you. 

Please share this wonderful message...  




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