Dowdy's SF66

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Three years after my son and I developed our success formula we were "Debt Free" except for a few houses we own. 
Five years after we developed this formula, my son graduated from Chapman University and two weeks later we sent his last payment to the University.   
SF66:  You must work at least one (1) hour for yourself and your family for every eight (8) hours you work for someone else, (W-2) .... following this simple formula changed our lives in ways that one can hardly imagine.  
Explained as follows: 
For every 60 minutes that I work for any employer for any reason, (where I receive a W-2), I will also work at least 6 minutes for myself and my family, so help me GOD!  What this really means is that for every 60 minutes I work for anyone in a wage earning capacity, (for which I receive a W-2), I would also work at least six minutes for myself and my family in an effort to build a better future. 
This one habit changed our finanical lives! Let me say this:  Without my son's help in the implementation of this formula, it would have never worked. What was his role ... to be a good kid and a good student.  He is now a BCBA Canidate, (PhD in Behavior and is expected to finish by Dec 2022).  Point being: You must get everyone in your immediate family onboard ... no exceptions!
More info:



This is a formula that my son and I developed in 2001.  It was doing a time when we were going through some tuff financial difficulties. We were on our last straw and the only thing that stood between me and bankruptcy was a Flat-Tire!  Our Success formula reads as follows:  


For every 60 minutes that I work for any employer for any reason I would also work at least 6 minutes for myself and my family, so help me GOD! This was my promise to me!


What it really means is that for every 60 minutes I work for anyone in a wage earning capacity, (for which I receive a W-2 ), I would also work at least six minutes for myself and my family in an effort to build a better future.  This equated to about 4 hours  per week.  During that time I exercised, read books, attended seminars, started and operated a home base business and purchased several houses, (one of which provide the money that payed for my son's University Degree). I attribute most if not all of my success since that time to that formula. 


This formula has since become a strong habit for both me and Randy and I believe it to be the most important habit I have ever develop!  The reason why I call it Dowdynson's Success Formula 66 is because my son, (11 years old at that time) was a major factor in the process and he had to agreed to certain things that allowed me to do what I had to do!   He stuck to his part of the agreement. 


M y son's part of the agreement was to be the best kid and best student that he could be so that I could concentrate on my part of the formula. 


It was somewhat like the Family Success Plan that Dr. Steven Covey talks about.  Dr. Covey also mentions something about this process in his ... "First Things First" and his "Things That Matters Most" writings!   


"The  threads of habits are to thin to be noticed until they are to strong to be broken" - Unknown


OH, did I tell you about our results.  Randy graduated from Chapman University in 2009.  And within 30 days of that he was Debt FREE!  It is without a doubt the result of our Success Formula 66.


One of the results is that we now offer Financial Management to Our Members.  Learn what the "Wealthy Buy on Payday", Click Here:

This equates to about about five (5) hours per day. Following is what I did during those five hours: 
#1. Start an exercise plan, (check with your doctor first), - A healthy body fuels the mind 
#2. Start doing things that force me out of your comfort zone.
#3. Start reading and studing people who are successful in areas that I felt would work best for me!  Some say do what you love and you will never work a day in your life.  I say that's "Bull-Shit!"  I say if you can make the right kinda money, do it and learn to like it and later you will have all the time you need to do what you love!  Noone thinks about love until after they have eaten!  
#4. Don't get locked into something just because you studied it in College.  My major in college was industrial engineering and I was also a military science student! After graduation I went directly into the military.  I never spent a day working as a industrial engineer and my war fighting days have long been over ... get my meaning!  There are many other things you could be doing, have no fear... jump and learn how to land on the way down.  And don't worry, the parachute will open ... if it don't yours worries will be over ... 
If you begin doing just some of the things identified above you will soon find your niche.  If not, call me! And once you do you are on your way to better health and finanical freedom!  
Dowdy's Axiom:  If you want to be successful in life you need to make sure your family, to the maximum extent possible, is on board with you.  You simply must try and maintain what Zig Zigler calls, "Your Home Court Advantage"!
Learn how we applied this formula in the following areas: *
Our next step was to move out of our home and rinto a small one bedroom apartment, (less expensive), rent iour home out as we refused to lose it!  We were probably the first to rent out individual rooms (3 bedroon 2 bath house to three different rentors).  This was a powerful move.  So much so that we still do that today!

This is where my son stepped out on his own (following are two of the clearest examples of passion I have ever witnessed (a split passion that turned into two powerful money making careers): 



 Established during his 3rd yr @ Chapman U. In 2007! 



Mentally Conceived @ age 11!  Presently the most sort
after Behaviorist in the South Bay! Looking
to expand into the Long Beach area!

Randy J. Dowdy, MS, BCBA Candidate

310-951-9517 / Email: 


Randy's ability to focus on what he wants pales in comparison

to anyone I have ever meet, myself included! 

 - "the Colonel" aka Randy's Dad! 

"the Colonel" & Randy
Carlton Dowdy, US Army, (Ret.).
Cell:  714-273-5223

Dowdy's Axiom: 

"Never assume that your best
days are behind you, they are almost never are!
Call or text me:  714-273-5223 / Email: